Goals and Achievements (Badges)

Overview - Goals and Achievements (Badges)

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Goals and Achievements can be used to engage the student in their unique learning journey. Both students and teachers can set Goals, which can be selected from inside the Student Profile. As a student demonstrates their abilities in class or via assessments, Goals can be converted into Achievements by the teacher. These Goals and Achievements are represented as Badges.

The process of setting goals and converting them into achievements delivers recognition to the student outside of standard assessment methods. These records of achievement will span through the primary years into secondary school. The Goals and Achievements are visible inside each student’s Profile Page on their activity feed and within the ‘Goals’ and ‘Achievements’ tabs. 

Students and teachers are able to add evidence to goals and achievements in a range of forms, including text, attached files, images and video, to demonstrate progress towards achievement. If this evidence is added while a student is working towards a goal, it will remain attached once the teacher awards the achievement. Teachers can add evidence to an individual or multiple students.

On this page you will find the following:

Creating Badges

Managing Goal and Achievement Categories

Using Filters to Select Goals and Achievements

Setting Goals for Multiple Students as a Teacher

Setting Goals for an Individual Student as a Teacher

Setting Goals as a Student

Awarding Achievements

Managing Badges Packages 

Adding Evidence to Goals

Awarding Achievements to Multiple Students

Deleting Goals or Achievements for a Student

Creating Badges

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If permitted, Staff can create bespoke Badges for your school.

NOTE: If you do not have access to the badge creation area, please check the permission has been allocated to allow staff to do this by talking to a Superuser at your school.

1. Navigate to the ‘Badges’ area, by selecting the icon in your Top Menu or by adding /learning/badge to the URL.


2. Next select the ‘+ Create Badge’ button in the top right corner.


3. Add a name for your Badge.


4. Add a description.


5. Add or select an icon for your badge. You can either select a badge icon from the library, or you can upload your own, bespoke image.

6. If using the Icon Library, select 'Browse Icon Library’ to explore the options, then select your Icon.



7. Use the left menu to change categories of icons, and select an icon by clicking on it.

Alternatively, you can upload a custom image of your choice.

Select 'Upload from your device'.image.php?hash=949b3c6d37acd3f1d1f29900bf38637b6b2c6ed5

NOTE: The image is recommended to be either an SVG or a PNG file with a transparent background no larger than 250 x 250px. We recommend you utilise 78 x 78 pixel icons if possible.

8. Select the bin to delete the icon if you wish to select another.


9. Select ‘Animate Badge on Achievement’, should you wish students to see an animation of the greyscale badge changing to colour when they first view the achievement.


10. Select 'Allow Use as Goal' if you wish students and staff to be able to select to set this as a goal.


11. Set the ‘Goal Duration’ by selecting the drop-down arrow, which will determine how long the goal is available for, before expiring and being removed from a student’s ‘Goals’ page.


12. Set the 'Achievement Duration’ by selecting the drop-down arrow, which will determine how long the achievement will remain visible on a student’s ‘Achievement’ page before expiring and being removed.


13. Select a Category from the drop down menu. This will be used for filtering purposes.


14. Select year levels to associate the Badge with. These will be used to filter automatically from your class page, if year levels have been associated with the pages.


15. Select Curriculum Codes if required.


16. Select 'Create Badge' to create your badge.image.php?hash=58f848148c3dcd9ac09f4d67198d0c39e8f8d50c

Managing Goal and Achievement Categories

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A Superuser can manage Goal and Achievement categories from the Administration area.

1. Navigate to Administration > Lists > Badge Categories.

NOTE: Categories can be renamed.

2. Select the grab handle and drag the category into the required location. 

The order of these will be reflected inside the ‘Set Goals’ page for students and classes.


3. Select 'Add New Row' to add further categories.


4. Select 'Save'.

Using Filters to Select Goals and Achievements

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Filters can be utilised to search for specific Goals and Achievements.

There are four categories of filter: 

  • Category
  • Curriculum Codes 
  • Name
  • Year Level

NOTE: The Categories map to the predefined ‘Badge Category’ list generated by a Superuser at your school within the Administration area of your instance.

1. Navigate to the Badges page.

2. Select your required Filters.

3. Select 'Apply Filters'.


Setting Goals for Multiple Students as a Teacher

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1. Navigate to a Class or a Group Page that you manage.


2. If it a Class Page, select the '3 dot menu' and then 'Class List'.


3. If it is a Group Page, navigate to the Group Page, then select the '3-dot Menu' and 'Badge Report.


4. Select the students you are awarding an achievement to.

NOTE: All of the students can be selected using the top checkbox or you can select individual students by selecting the checkbox next to each of their names.

Class List


Badge Report


5. Select ‘Set Goals’. 

Class List


Badge Report


6. Select the Goal/s you wish to set using the checkbox next to the badges.


7. Select ‘Set selected goals’.


8. Select ‘Set Goal’ to finalise.

Setting Goals for an Individual Student as a Teacher

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1. Navigate to the student’s Profile page.

2. Select ‘Set Goals’.


3. Select the goals you would like to set using the checkbox next to the chosen goal/s.


4. Select 'Set selected goal/s'.


5. Confirm you wish to set the goal by selecting ‘Set Goal’.


NOTE: You can also set a goal for an individual student or multiple students from the Class List.

Setting Goals as a Student

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Students are able to set themselves goals.

1. The student can select ‘Set My Goals’ from their Dashboard, if your school has chosen to use the ‘Student Toolkit’ component.


Alternatively, the student can navigate to their Profile Page, and select ‘Set My Goals’.


2. Goals can be set by selecting the checkbox next to the chosen goal/s.


3. Select 'Set selected goal/s'.


4. Select ‘Set Goal’.


The students will then be returned to their Profile Page and the Goal will be visible on their Activity Feed, and by selecting the ‘Goals’ tab.


Awarding Achievements

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1. Navigate to the Student's Profile Page.

2. Select the 'Goals' tab.


3. Locate the Goal you intend to award.

4. To award the Achievement without adding evidence, select the 3-dot menu > Award Achievement.


To award the Achievement whilst adding evidence, select the Goal title > Award with Evidence.  Use the Text Editor to add evidence, which can include text, file attachments and media.


5. Select ‘Award’ to finalise.


NOTE: The Goal will then be removed from the 'Goals' tab and will appear in the Activity Feed and in the 'Achievements' tab in colour.


Managing Badge Packages

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A Superuser can manage Badge Packages from the Administration area.

1. Navigate to Administration > Modules > Packages.


2. Select the checkbox next to the packages you wish to install.


NOTE: The General Capabilities curriculum must be installed if you wish to utilise the General Capabilities or Cross-Curriculum Priorities packages, as the badges created are linked with curriculum codes from the General Capabilities package.

Adding Evidence to Goals and Achievements

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Teachers can add evidence to Achievements when they award them to individuals or multiple students, and can also add evidence to Goals, with or without converting them to an Achievement. Students are also able to add evidence to their goals, before they are converted to an Achievement.

Adding Evidence to an Award

1. When awarding an Achievement to an individual or multiple students, select ‘Award with Evidence’. 


2. Use the Text Editor tool to add evidence, which can include text, file attachments and media. 


3. Select ‘Award’ to finalise.


Adding Evidence to a Goal

1. Navigate to the student's User Profile, and select the Goals tab.


2. Select the Goal you wish to add evidence to, and select ‘Add Evidence'. 


3. Use the Text Editor tool to add evidence, which can include text, file attachments and media. image.php?hash=49b8d057abb7412ecc0f0bddfa5e989303777dab

4. Select ‘Save’.


NOTE: Students can also add evidence to their goals by following the same sequence of steps.

Awarding Achievements to Multiple Students

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1. Navigate to a Class or a Group Page that you manage.


2. If it a Class Page, select the '3 dot menu' and then 'Class List'.


3. If it is a Group Page, navigate to the Group Page, then select the '3-dot Menu' and 'Badge Report.


4. Select the students you are awarding an achievement to.

NOTE: All of the students can be selected using the top checkbox or you can select individual students by selecting the checkbox next to each of their names.

Class List


Badge Report


5. Select ‘Award Achievements’. 

Class Listimage.php?hash=7dd666d238e15ad321121cbd0790c608cd6b90b1

Badge Report


6. Select the achievement/s you wish to award using the checkbox next to the badges.


7. Select 'Award selected achievement’.


8. Select either ‘Award’, or ‘Award with Evidence’, to enable evidence of achievement to be added via the Text Editor, which can include text, file attachments and media.


NOTE: Available tokens for name, year and house are listed above the Text Editor.

9. Select ‘Award’ to finalise.


Delete Goals or Achievements for a Student

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1. Navigate to the student’s Profile Page.

2. Select the ‘Goals’ or 'Achievements' tab, depending on which you are wanting to delete.


3. Select the '3 dot menu' beside the Goal or Achievement you wish to delete.


4. Select 'Remove Goal' or 'Withdraw Achievement'.



5. Confirm you wish to remove the goal or achievement by selecting ‘Remove’ for a goal, or ‘Withdraw’ for an achievement.

