Components Source of Truth

Components Overview

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Components are the essential 'building blocks' for content and activity in Schoolbox. They can be added to almost any page across the system and be used in a variety of ways. Components are separated into the following 6 categories:

  • Collaboration Components
  • Feeds Components
  • Information Components
  • Learning Components
  • Multimedia Components
  • Resources Components

Components can be easily added, altered, moved or deleted from pages using simple 'drag and drop' in order to quickly and easily develop a Schoolbox instance to meet your school's specific requirements. To learn more about the specific features of each component, click on the tiles below.

  • Collaboration Components
  • Blog
  • Chat
  • Class Teachers
  • Collaboration Docs
  • Forum
  • Group Managers
  • Group Members
  • Poll
  • Social Stream
  • Surveys and Forms
  • Wiki
  • News
  • Feeds Components
  • Pinterest
  • Podcast
  • RSS Feed
  • Information Components
  • Breadcrumb
  • Countdown
  • Team Fixtures
  • Text Box
  • Tiles
  • Calendar
  • Links
  • Learning Components
  • Course Builder
  • Course Outline
  • Courses and Units
  • Curriculum Description
  • Curriculum Overview
  • Due Work
  • Embed Learning Tool
  • Quizzes
  • Rubric Capabilities and Indicators
  • Tasks
  • Wolfram|Alpha
  • Multimedia Components
  • Audio
  • ClickView
  • Image
  • Image Slideshow
  • Image Gallery
  • Random Image
  • Video Player
  • Resources Components
  • File Drop Box
  • Files
  • Folders

Introduction to Components

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Component Types for Differing Pages

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