Assessment Calendar

Overview - Assessment Calendar

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The Assessment Calendar provides visibility of student workload and assessment to teaching staff. It shows assessments alongside the campus events calendar so you can make informed decisions about when to set due dates for assessment. It can be used to assist schools to limit clashes of assessment due dates with events such as camps, sport, whole school assemblies etc. It is also helpful to ensure that assessment schedules for students can be spread out and avoid scheduling multiple assessments on the same day.  Staff can select which classes to view, so it can be used to target information about the workload of a particular selection of students in your school. The Assessment Calendar is a particularity useful tool for the Head of Teaching & Learning/ Studies/ Curriculum and Heads of Department/ Faculty who can use the calendar to view the assessment dates of all the classes in a particular cohort. They could use the calendar to ensure all required assessment has been scheduled at an appropriate time. In addition, a Head of Year might use it to ensure students in their year level are not over-scheduled at certain times of the year. The Assessment Calendar can be filtered in a variety of ways so a school can quickly identify any issues in the assessment schedule for your students.

On this page, you will find the following information:

Accessing the Assessment Calendar

Using the Assessment Calendar

Managing the Assessment Calendar for Your School

Accessing the Assessment Calendar

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Accessing the Assessment Calendar from your Calendar

1. Select the Calendar tab in the Top Menu.  

You can also access your calendar by adding /calendar to the end of your URL.


2. Select the 3-dot menu at the top right of your calendar.

3. Select 'Assessment Calendar'.



Accessing the Assessment Calendar from your Class page

1. Navigate to your Class page.

2. Select the 3-dot menu at the top right of the page.

3. Select 'Assessment Calendar'.



Accessing the Assessment Calendar from a Course page

1. Navigate to a Course page.

2. Select the 3-dot menu at the top right of the page.

3. Select 'Assessment Calendar'.


Using the Assessment Calendar

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When you arrive at the Assessment Calendar, you can use filters to adjust what you see to ensure you get the information you need.

For example, a year level coordinator could make the following selections to view the important assessments for students in year 9 and ensure they will not clash with a planned excursion.

  • Assessment Type: Due Work
  • Year Level: 9
  • Event Type: Excursion
  • Campus: Secondary
  • Week view is selected

The results would enable the year level coordinator to view all Assessments that are planned for the same day as the excursion.


Calendar View

You can use Semester, Month, and Week view options to change the amount of detail you see in the view.


Managing the Assessment Calendar for Your School

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You must be a Superuser to enable the Assessment Calendar. Once it is enabled, it will be available for all staff members in your school.

1. Navigate to Administration > LMS > LMS Policy.


2. Toggle 'Assessment Calendar' to 'ON'.


3. Select 'Save'.


In order to maximise your school’s use of the Assessment Calendar, Superusers can add year level data to class pages. Then staff can use filters to view the assessment for all classes in a year level.

1. Navigate to Administration > Lists > Year Levels.


2. Select 'Add New Row' to add the name of each year level in your school to the list.


3. When you create class pages, ensure you add the year level information in the folder upload CSV.


If class pages have already been created, a Superuser can manually add the year level via the Folder Modify screen.

1. Navigate to the Resource Browser and select the class folder.

2. Choose to 'Modify' the folder.


3. Select the correct year level from the 'Year Levels' drop down menu.


4. You can add more than one year level to a folder by selecting another year level from the drop down menu.

5. Decide if you want to use the 'Copy these year level associations to all subfolders' tickbox.


6. Select 'Modify Folder'.

If your folder structure groups year level class pages together, you can use the “Copy these year level associations to all subfolders” tickbox on a high level folder, even if it is not a class page.

To make the Assessment Calendar more easily accessible, a Superuser can add a link to the Assessment calendar to the staff Top Menu or Side Menu by using the following URL: /learning/assessment/calendar.