1. Change whether you are viewing analytics for one class, or the whole cohort, by using the tabs at the top of the page.

2. Change the term you are looking at by using the drop down menu.

Below this, you can see the overall progress of your students. This will show you the percentage of the course that has been completed by all students and the percentage of the course that has been completed by the most advanced student in the class or cohort.

You can also see who the top and bottom performing students of the class or cohort are. These rankings are determined by the student’s overall grade results.

As you scroll down you will see a box and whisker plot which displays results for all graded assessments. In the learning analytics feature of Schoolbox, we use the Tukey boxplot.

Hovering over a box plot will give you additional data that is useful for understanding the results of your students in that particular assessment.

The graph will show you the range of student results in a concise way.
The box represents the middle band of your students results, or in other words, 50% of your students’ results.
The whiskers represent 1.5 times the range of the box.
Any results beyond the whiskers will be represented as outliers. These are the students who sit outside of the main data set. Students who fall as outliers are students to whom you may consider offering extension tasks or more learning support.
The box and whisker plot could be a useful tool to reflect on assessment tasks after students have completed them. If the median of the assessment task is particularly high, you might consider how to modify the assessment task in future to make it more challenging. Or, you might consider how to challenge that cohort of students in future assessment tasks.
3. Further filter the results by assessment type by clicking the filter icon in the top right of the graph.

You will see a list of work types used by your school, this can vary from school to school, so your list may differ from what’s available here. This could be a useful tool for comparison.
4. Filter by the quiz assessment type to compare student results in a pre-unit test to a post-unit test.

Next you will see the unit progress graph. This will show you the percentage of each unit that has been completed by all students and the percentage of each unit that has been completed by the most advanced student in the class or cohort.

The indicators graph displays all indicators assessed in that unit. These indicators come from rubrics that are built and assessed in Schoolbox.

The box and whisker graphs here shows the range of student results per indicator. Again, hovering over these will provide you with more data. This is a useful tool to determine what skills in particular your cohort or class are excelling at, and where they need help to improve. Again, any outliers will help you discover any students that need individual attention.
Finally, there is an effort graph. This shows each student and compares their class page visits to their grade average.