Class Pages

A Class page is the primary interface for teaching and learning between students and teachers in Schoolbox. Think of it as the digital equivalent of a physical classroom environment where teacher and students learn, share and collaborate. The 3 main uses for Class pages are for students and teachers to access Course and Unit pages, keeping students informed and allowing them to collaborate. Class pages can be templated to support equity across multiple classes in a subject and/ or year level. Class pages are created using codes from your SIS e.g. (Synergetic, TASS).  As Class pages are rolled over and archived at the end of a learning period (e.g. Semester or Year) it is important that they are populated with content that is relevant to a class.

On this page, you will find the following information:

Accessing your Class Page

Using your Class Page

Class Page Customisation

Overview of Class pages

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Schoolbox offers Class pages as the primary interface for teaching and learning between the school staff and students. It is similar to a digital classroom where the school staff share and collaborate with students in each class.

Class pages help:

  • students and school staff to access Course and Unit pages 
  • keeping students informed 
  • students to collaborate

Class pages can be templated to support equity across multiple classes in a subject and/ or year level.

You can create Class pages using codes from your SIS. For example: Synergetic, TASS, etc. Class codes can be 64 characters long.

As Class pages are rolled over and archived at the end of a learning period (for example: Semester or Year), it is important that they are populated with content that is relevant to a class.

This user guide will help you understand how you can:

Access a Class page

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As a school staff, depending on your school's setup, you can access your Class page in many ways.

You can:

  • Add /learning/classes at the end of your homepage URL. Select Enter for your Class page to display.

  • In the top menu, select Classes Classes Button. This displays your Class page.

  • In the top menu, select Timetable Timetable Button. Then, select the title of the class in your timetable. 
    This displays your Class page.

  • On your homepage, from your side menu, go to My Subjects and select your class. 
    This displays your Class page.

    You’ve now accessed your Class page.


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Edit a Class page

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As a school staff, depending on your school's setup, you can edit to customise the layout and look of your Class page.

To do this:

  1. On your Class page, toggle the setting to Unlock Icon
    This unlocks your page.
  2. Next, select the Edit Columns Slider Icon icon to:
    • Column Width - use the slider to adjust the column width. 
    • Select Columns To Colour - select the column (top, left, or right) that you want to add colours to. 
    • Heading Colours - use the colour picker to select elements of the page and apply different colours to headers. 
    • Content Colours - Use the colour picker to select elements of the page and apply different colours to the text/content.
  3. When done, select Save for the changes to take effect.
  4. Toggle the setting to Lock Icon.
    This locks your page.

    You’ve now edited your Class page.

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You can access your Class Page in a number of ways, but this depends on the set up of your school.

You can:

  • Add /learning/classes to the end of your homepage URL.
  • Select the 'Classes' tab in the top menu.


  • Select the title of the class in your timetable.


  • Select your class from the 'My Subjects' area of the side menu.


Dependant upon the settings applied by your School's Superuser, you may have the ability to customise the layout and aesthetics of your page.

1.  Select the 'Unlock' button in the top right hand corner of your page.


2.  Select the 'Edit Columns' button in the top right hand corner of your page.


3. Adjust the column width using the slider.


4. You can also select elements of the page and apply different colours to text, headers and content using the colour picker.


5. Once complete select 'Save'.


Add Components to your Page

1. Select the '+' button at the top of your page.


2. Access the component you wish to add from within the component tabs.


3. Drag and drop the component to the desired location on your page.


Populate Components on your Page

1. Select the hyperlinked text inside the component. 


2. If content already exists within the component and you wish to modify this content, select 'Modify'.



Move Components on your Page

1. Select the 'Unlock' button in the top right hand corner of your page.


2. Move a component around the page by selecting the grab handle.



Delete Components on Your Page

1. Unlock the Page.


2. Select the 'X' at the top-right of the component's header.


3. Select ‘Remove’.

Include a Course Outline Component

The Course Outline will enable both teacher and students to access Course and Unit Pages from within the Class Page. Once imported, a user can navigate to Course and Unit pages by clicking on the Course or Unit title e.g. Net & Wall Games! Furthermore, students can access individual activities in a Unit such as Due Work, Tasks, Quizzes or Projects. 



Include a News Component and Calendar Component

News and Calendar components are a great way to communicate with your students directly. News and events that are posted on your Class Page will be visible there and also show in the users News Feed on their dashboard and their calendar.



Use Collaboration Components

Collaboration components are a great way to encourage positive interaction between your students and for you to communicate with them. Don't forget the Blog is housed under the 'Information' tab and is great for collaboration.



Use Alternative Source Linking to display content from your Unit Pages

There is no need to recreate tiles, or store resources on multiple pages. Use Alt-source linking to display content directly from your unit pages. All you need to do is add a new component, select the settings cog, and choose 'Browse'. For additional information, visit the component pages!


Add components to a Class page

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As a school staff, you can add components to customise and improve your Class page, such as the:

Add a Course Outline Component

The Course Outline helps both school staff and students access Course and Unit Pages from within the Class Page.

Once imported, you can select the  Course or Unit title to go to the Course and Unit pages.

Also, students can access individual activities in a Unit such as Due Work, Tasks, Quizzes, or Projects.

To know more, see Course Outline component.  

Add a News and Calendar Component

As a school staff, you can use the News and Calendar components to communicate directly with your students.

News and events posted will be visible on your Class Page and will also appear in your News Feed on the dashboard and calendar.

To know more, see:

Add Collaboration Components

Collaboration components help positive interaction between your students and for you to communicate with them.

You can use:

Add Alternative Source Linking

You can use Alt-source linking to display content directly from your Unit pages. You need not recreate tiles, or store resources on multiple pages.

To add alternative source linking:

  1. First, add a new component. To do this:
    1. On your class page, select the Plus Icon icon.
      A list of tabs and components appear.
    2. Next, select the tab. For example, Learning.
      A list of components appear. 
    3. Then, select a component to drag and drop it to the desired location on your class page.
      The component will display.
      You’ve now added a new component to your class page.
  2. In the component, select Add text and multimedia, or embed content.
  3. Add contents and then select Save.
    NOTE: You can select Modify to edit existing content in a component. 
  4. Next, on your Class page, toggle the setting to unlock Unlock Icon.
    This unlocks your page.
  5. Select the settings Settings Cog Icon icon on the component and select Browse
  6. Go to the location of the page you want to include.
  7. Then, select Use this Folder.
  8. When done, select Update
    The content created on that page will appear in the component on your class page.

    You’ve now added an alternative source linking to a page.

    Also see:

Note: You can move or delete a component. For this, first toggle the setting to Unlock Icon unlock your page. Select Grab Handle Icon to move a component and select Cross Icon if you want to delete a component. 

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