
Overview - Dashboards

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When you log into Schoolbox, the first page you will see is your dashboard. The information displayed on your dashboard page is tailored per role, to allow quick access to areas you need most often, as determined by your school.

A well-designed dashboard will give access to all the information you need for the day. Superusers can customise components, layout, and design for each role.

On this page, you will find the following information:

How to Configure Dashboards

How to Create an Image Slideshow

Dashboard Calendar Component

How to Configure Dashboards

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1. Navigate to the Administration Area > Personalisation > Dashboard Templates.


2. Select the role whose dashboard you are planning to modify.


3. To add a component, drag and drop the component to your desired location.


NOTE: Some components are only relevant to specific role types. For example, the ‘recent submissions’ component will only populate with content for users in staff roles.

4. To configure a component, select the cog icon from the component on the dashboard template.


Depending on the type of component, a field will appear, allowing you to make modifications. Common modifications include changing the heading, altering the number of items to be displayed, and selecting a non-local source.

If you make adjustments, select 'Update'.

5. To remove a component, select the “X” from the component on the dashboard template.


6. You can reorder components or change their location by using the grab handle to drag them to the correct location.


Create Image Slideshow

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1. Navigate to the Resource Browser.

2. Find the UX Resources folder, then select the relevant Dashboard Assets folder.


3. Select 'Post File'


4. Give the image a title, upload the image, and add its relevant link to the Description area. 


5. Select 'Post File'. Repeat for all images you wish to add to the Image Slider on the Dashboard.

6. Navigate to the Administration Area > Personalisation > Dashboard Templates.


7. Select the role whose dashboard you are planning to modify.


8. To create an Image Slideshow, drag and drop the Image Slideshow component to your desired location.


NOTE: The number of images you can display in a slideshow depends on what the Superuser has set for your school. The maximum limit is up to 20 images in a slideshow. 

9. Select the Settings Cog on the Image Slideshow component.


10. Select 'Browse'.

11. Find the Dashboard Assets folder which houses your images and select 'Use this folder'. 


12. Select 'Update'. Your Image Slideshow will now appear on the dedicated Dashboard.

Dashboard Calendar Component

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The Dashboard Calendar component allows a user to view all of their events, across all of their calendars, in one place. The component can be configured to display your chosen number of days. From the Calendar component settings within the Dashboard Template, calendars can be filtered to display, or not to, for each role.

Multiple Calendar components can be added to dashboards, which allows a particular subscriptions to be displayed in their own dedicated component, if required.

1. Navigate to the Administration Area > Personalisation > Dashboard Templates.


2. Select the role whose dashboard you are planning to modify.


3. To add a Calendar component, drag and drop the component to your desired location.


4. Select the settings cog for the Calendar component to expand and view the settings.


5. Select the number of days you would like displayed within the component.


6. Modify the heading, if desired.


7. Filter the calendars to those you wish to display, using the checkboxes.


You can filter by subscription, or by event type.

NOTE: If no Filters are applied, the component will default to display all calendars.