Modify Users

Overview - Modify Users

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Modifying Individual Users

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1. Navigate to Administration > User Management > Home.


2. Type the name of the user you wish to modify into the field, select the user, and select 'MODIFY'.


This will take you to the User Modify screen.


3. Modify all details as required.

4. Select 'Update User'.

NOTE: If you are using the User Provisioning System and this user is in your Student Information System, modifications may be reversed when the UPS runs nightly.

Creating Linked Accounts

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Linking user accounts creates a shortcut for a user to switch between accounts. When they switch between their linked accounts, it is equivalent to logging out of the instance and logging in again with the next account.

This might be used in the following situations:

  • Allowing teachers who are also parents to switch between their two accounts.

  • Allowing users to impersonate someone in a different role so they can view the system from that role’s perspective.

1. Navigate to Administration > User Management > Home.


2. Search for the User that will be the primary account, then select 'Modify'. For example, if a person is both a staff member and parent, start from their staff member account.


3. Navigate to the 'Linked Accounts' section.


2. Search for the name of the user account that you want to link.

3. Select the required name.

4. Select 'Add'.

Managing User Involvement in Groups

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Groups can exist in Schoolbox for a range of scenarios and are created by either users with 'Write' Access or Superusers. 

This section of the User Modify interface is a way for Superusers to add, remove or change the user current user status to these groups.

This section of the interface enables the Superuser to :

  • Review the list of the groups that the user is currently involved in.

  • Review and modify the user's current group permissions.

  • Remove the user from a group they are currently involved in.

  • Add the user to another group in Schoolbox.

There are 2 ways to stop users having access and notifications in Schoolbox:

  • Disabling - where they still exist in Schoolbox, but cannot login and do not receive notifications, but their user data is maintained.
  • Deleting - where they cease to exist in Schoolbox and their user data is removed.

Note: When a user is deleted and then an attempt to 'recreate' them occurs (either manually or via the UPS) a new profile with a different Schoolbox User ID will be created. If an account needs to be reinstated please contact our Support Team.

There are 3 methods that can be utilisied to put disable or delete users:

1. Modify Individuals - pencil icon, untick account enabled, 3-dot-menu delete user

2. Bulk Modify- account enabled 'Disabled' on dropdown or 3-dot-menu delete

3. Remove users - unupdated by the UPS can be filtered, sorted and deleted.



Impersonating Users

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Superusers have the capacity to impersonate any other user inside Schoolbox. Follow the steps below to learn how to do this:

1. Navigate to a User's Profile page.

2. Select the 'Pencil' Icon in the top right hand corner.


This will take you into the user's profile page area.

3. Select the '3 dot menu' in the top right hand corner.


4. Select Impersonate.


NOTE: You will need to navigate back to your avatar in the top right hand corner of the Top Menu to return back to your normal Superuser role once you have completed the actions associated with the impersonation.

NOTE:  The login log in the Administration area uses a unique identifier for user sessions in Schoolbox. The identifier persists during a session, regardless of impersonation. 

Manage Service Permissions

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In Schoolbox, you can give individual users advanced permissions for different services. These advanced service permissions can be applied to individual users who require greater authority over work flows in Schoolbox, but who DON'T need Superuser access. 

Service Permissions include:

  • Calendar
  • News
  • CMS
  • Resource Booking
  • Curriculum
  • Pastoral Moderator
  • Fixtures

Bulk Modifying Users

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The modification of account details for a number of users at one time can be managed by a Superuser. 

For schools with a SIS who are using the UPS to manage their users, the bulk modification of users will usually be managed by updating UPS rules to complete the modification. 

If a modification is not available through the UPS, or if the school is not using the UPS, then bulk modification of users can be achieved through the Bulk Modify screen, or by uploading a CSV with the appropriate details.

NOTE: If you are using the User Provisioning System and this user is in your Student Information System, modifications may be reversed when the UPS runs nightly.


Bulk Modify Users via the Bulk Modify Screen

1. Navigate to Administration > User Management > Bulk Modify.


2. Search for users you wish to modify, or apply filters to search for a group of users.


3. Select the users you wish to modify.


4. Select 'Modify'.


NOTE: This process can be followed to bulk modify users to disable their accounts.

5. Modify the users by adjusting the drop-down menu items.


6. Select 'Update Selected'.


7. The modifications have now been applied.


Bulk Modify Users via CSV

Superusers can modify multiple user accounts using a CSV. This should only be done for user details that are outside of your SIS or the School Data Store.

1. Navigate to Administration > User Management > Home.


2. Select 'IMPORT CSV'.




4. Drag and drop your completed CSV to the drop zone.

5. Select 'Preview Import'.


6. Check that all users will be modified successfully, then select “Run Import”. 

NOTE: If any users cannot be modified, the preview screen will include a description of the problem with the CSV. 

NOTE: This process can be followed to bulk delete users.

Understanding User Details

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On the User Modify screen, there are a number of fields and settings available for a Superuser in Schoolbox to manage.


TitleDefines the user's title.
First NameDefines the user's first name.
Preferred NameDefines the user's preferred name.
SurnameDefines the user's surname.
PronounDefines the user's pronouns.
Position TitleDefines the user's job/position title.
Schoolbox User IDDisplays the user's Schoolbox User ID. This cannot be changed.
External IDThis unique identifier will come from the Student Information System (SIS).
UsernameThe username that the user will use to login to Schoolbox. If you have LDAP integration enabled, this will usually be the same username as in your LDAP system.
PasswordA password can be manually assigned using this field.
RoleSets the user's Role.
Alternate EmailDefines a user's email address where the 'Email Address from Username' is not being utilised.
YearSets the user's Year Level.
HouseSets the user's House.
Residential HouseSets the user's Boarding/Residential House.
Campus InvolvementSets the user's campuses and may affect the timetable(s) that they see depending on the SIS in use.
Enable E-PortfolioChecking the 'ePortfolio' box will enable the ePortfolio for the user.
Hide Contact Details

Checking the 'Hide Contact Details' box on a user in a Student role will prevent all users from accessing the 'Contacts' tab on a user's profile.

Checking the 'Hide Contact Details' box on a user in a Parent role will prevent all users from from viewing the students and the spouse/partner/other parents on the user's profile.

Checking the 'Hide Contact Details' box on a user in a Staff role will have no effect.

Hide TimetableChecking the 'Hide Timetable' box will prevent the user from seeing a timetable in the system, but the student will remain enrolled in classes and continue to have access from the timetable enrolments.
Email Address from UsernameChecking the 'Email Address from Username' box will append the school's email domain to the username to create an email address.
Use External Mail ClientChecking the 'Use External Mail Client' box will cause users to launch an external email program when clicking on an email address or email link.
Display Comparative Graph on GradesChecking the 'Display Comparative Graph on Grades' box will allow the student and parent roles to see a box and whisker comparative graph on the grades page. The visibility of the graph must also be enabled in LMS Settings and Year Level Settings.
SuperuserChecking the 'Superuser' box will grant the user Superuser privileges.
Account EnabledChecking the 'Account Enabled' box will allow a user to login to Schoolbox and receive notifications.