Configuring Schoolbox
As a superuser, go to: Admin > Settings > External DB
Here you will find three (3) relevant configuration options:
- External Liss Username
- External Liss Password
You must set the above configuration options to match the exact values that you configure within your LISS application.
Schoolbox LISS Example URL:
- You'll see a dedicated table on the SUDS page with details about the data Schoolbox received for any given method. For example, Daily
Data, Bell Times, Classes, etc.
- As Schoolbox processes LISS data as part of the SUDS Import, it no longer matters when you send the data to Schoolbox or in which order. This means that you can simply select all the relevant methods and send it all at once (instead of sending the data one method at a time).
- LISS data is processed at the end of a SUDS import, so when you manually perform a SUDS sync it will also process the LISS data at the end.
- Schoolbox supports multiple sources. This means that when you add ?source=uniquename to the push URL, Schoolbox can differentiate the different LISS sources.
Important note regarding timetables: Before you sync your timetable into Schoolbox via LISS, please contact Schoolbox Support to ensure that the start date and start day for your Timetable is set correctly within Schoolbox.
After you sync your timetable, if your timetable is showing but has the wrong day please contact Schoolbox Support to alter this for you.
Schoolbox maintains extensive LISS logs from each sync/import run. These are usually located in the Schoolbox data store as: cache/logs/liss.log
Configuring Edval
Within Edval, you will need to select 'schoolbox' from the sync options. You will be presented with a screen similar to below.
Please ensure the Username, Password, and School code fields match what you set in the equivalent fields within Schoolbox above. The URL needs to be your Schoolbox URL with '/api/liss.php' on the end.
NOTE: Edval will send class codes with dots replaced with spaces. E.g.: '9MAT.1' will appear in Schoolbox as '9MAT 1'