Create Folders or Pages

Overview - Create Folders or Pages

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Within the resource browser you will find a hierarchical list of folders and pages that can house information and resources.

When folders and pages are created they are assigned a specific URL homepage number. Numbers are assigned in order of creation e.g. URL /homepage/1234 and then URL homepage/1235

The difference between a folder and a page is that a folder has no template applied, so it cannot be seen as a page. So if you try to navigate to a folder via the URL it will take you to its location in the resource browser.

On this page, you will find the following information:

How to Create an Individual Folder or Page

Add a Cover Image or Colour to your Folder or Page

Creating Folders or Pages in Bulk

Creating a Folder or Page (video)

Resource Browser and Role Permissions (video)

How to Create an Individual Folder or Page

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1. Select the Resources tab in your top menu or add /resources to the URL from your dashboard.


2. Select the location where you would like to create the folder or homepage.

3. Select 'Add Folder'.


4. Complete the following:

Folder name


This is the title of the page.

Homepage template


Templates have been set up by your school and contain components to help you get started on the page. Regardless of which template you choose, you can change components on your page later. 

NOTE: If you want to create a page, you must provide a template. If you select 'no homepage', this will create a folder, not a homepage.

Cover image or colour (optional)


This is a feature image or colour that can be used to help identify your page. The cover image will be visible in the folders component (if grid view is selected), the my classes and my groups landing pages and dashboard components, and as a thumbnail in the resources area. You can use the colour picker to select a picture, or drag and drop an image into the drop zone.

Access Permissions


By default, your page automatically inherits the permissions that have been set for the folder above it.

To customise permissions, uncheck 'inherit permissions' and then select the access permissions for each role.


If you have unticked 'Inherit Permissions', you can now also choose if the Folder or Homepage will be a group.


Subject Codes


A Superuser can add subject or class codes while creating folders. These codes will form the association between the Teacher and Students in your Student Information System. Multiple codes can be added to each folder by separating them with a comma.

Year Levels


A Superuser can add year levels while creating folders. Adding a year level here will support filtering in your instance.

Curriculum Codes (optional)


If you are using curriculum mapping, you can enter the relevant curriculum codes into the 'curriculum codes field'. This may not be available at your school, if curriculum mapping is disabled.

5. Select 'Create Folder'.


Add a Cover Image or Colour to Your Folder or Page

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You can add a cover image to your homepages or folders. Your cover image can be a picture or a colour. Cover images will display in several places:

  • The folders component when grid view is selected.


  • The My Classes or My Groups dashboard components.


  • The My Classes or My Groups landing pages.


  • The resource browser (as a thumbnail).



Cover images and colours can be set on creation of a new pages or folders, or can be added to existing pages or folders.

1. To modify an existing folder, navigate to the modify folder screen

This can be done:

  • From the homepage, by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner and selecting 'Modify'.
  • From the My Groups (/resource/mygroups​) or My Classes (/learning/classes) landing pages, by clicking on the three dots next to the group or class and selecting 'Modify'.
  • From the resource browser, by clicking on the folder or page you want to modify and then selecting 'Modify'.

2. Drag and drop or select a file to upload in the Cover Image section of the Modify Folder screen


NOTE: The optimal size for this image is 324x172 pixels.

3. Use the colour picker to select the folder colour.


4. Select 'Modify Folder'.

Creating Folders or Pages in Bulk

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This guide will take you through how a Superuser can create folders in bulk for class pages. The same process can be used to create any type of folder in bulk by simply omitting the class codes.

1. Navigate to Administration > Import.

2. Select 'Pages'.


3. Download the bulk folder template.


3. Add your data to the template.

  • The Parent ID is the ID for the folder where you want your new folder to be housed. To get this ID number - open the Resource Browser and find the target folder (for example 'Current Classes'), select 'modify' and you will find the ID at the end of the URL. Paste this number in the Parent ID field of each new folder you would like to go into this target folder.
  • In the Folder Name field, enter the name to be displayed in Schoolbox.
  • You can add a Folder colour using either a hex or rgb code.
  • You can add a Folder image, by uploading the image to your instance and then using either the image’s URL or hash.
  • In the Folder Code fields, enter the class codes from your school management system. You can use more than one code to import more than one class onto a class page.
  • Add the Year Level for the associated classes. This will assist your users when filtering things such as the Assessment Calendar.
  • You can add the name of a homepage template so that it will be used on the page.
  • Order pages on the Summative Report by ‘Sequence’ as defined during the class upload process.
    • The higher the number in the sequence, the earlier the page will appear.
    • Where a value is not defined, it will treat the null as a 0.
    • Negative numbers may also be utilised.

4. Save the file as a CSV.

5. Navigate back to Administration > Import > Pages.

6. Select the permissions for the new pages you are uploading. Before you choose your permissions, please read the following important information about permissions:

  • Do not select 'inherit permissions' when importing folders with class codes, to avoid overriding class codes.
  • For best practice, we recommend allowing 'Write' access for Staff. 
  • It is also important to note that if a student role is given read access to class pages, then students will be able to view and contribute to any collaborative components on all class pages. We recommend giving all student roles no access to class pages, since your school management system codes will give students access to their assigned class pages.
  • If you want to vary the permissions to different folders within the file, you can modify these permissions later by going into the Resource section, and modifying permissions.


7. Select a Fallback Homepage Template. This will be used if a homepage template is not defined for the page on the CSV.


8. Select if you wish to 'Apply Changes'. If this is toggled to 'ON', the folders will be created immediately. If this is toggled to 'OFF', you will see a preview of the folder upload.


10. Drag and drop the file onto the drop zone. 


11. Select 'Import'.
