Head of Department

How to Access...

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  • Personal Information
  • Activity Feed
  • News
  • Your Calendar
  • Your Profile Page
  • Your Timetable
  • Another User's Calendar
  • Another User's Timetable
  • Student's Profile Pages
  • Learning
  • Assessment Calendar
  • Class Pages
  • Class Markbook
  • Course Markbook
  • Courses & Units
  • Curriculum
  • Learning Analytics
  • Learning Moments
  • Mapped Curriculum
  • Rubric Markbook
  • Unit Planner
  • Additional Features
  • ePortfolios
  • Groups
  • Notifications
  • Pastoral Care Dashboard
  • Student's Pastoral Page
  • Resource Booking
  • Staff Directory

How to Create...

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  • Personal Information
  • Calendar Events
  • News
  • Learning
  • Courses & Units
  • Due Work
  • Learning Moments
  • Lesson Plans on a Class Page
  • Lesson Plans on a Unit Page
  • Projects
  • Quizzes
  • Rubrics
  • Tasks
  • Additional Features
  • Folders and Pages
  • Groups
  • Pastoral Care Records
  • Pastoral Care Report

How to Use...

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  • Learning
  • Assessment Calendar
  • Class Markbook
  • Course Markbook
  • Courses & Units
  • Custom Participation
  • Due Work
  • Kami Inline Grader
  • Learning Analytics
  • Marking Attendance
  • Projects
  • Quizzes
  • Rubrics
  • Rubric Markbook
  • Tasks
  • Unit Planner
  • Weightings
  • Component Categories
  • Collaboration
  • Feeds
  • Information
  • Learning
  • Multimedia
  • Resources
  • Additional Features
  • Activity Feed Commenting
  • Activity Feed Filtering
  • Alt Source Linking
  • ePortfolios
  • Notifications
  • Pastoral Care Dashboard
  • Search
  • Similarity Checker
  • Resource Booking

How to Manage...

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  • Personal Settings
  • Your Groups
  • Your Notifications
  • Learning
  • Assessment Calendar
  • Course Framework
  • Course Markbook
  • Courses & Units
  • De-Coursify
  • Moving Learning Activities
  • Rubric Capabilities & Indicators
  • Additional Features
  • Group Memberships