
Overview - ePortfolio

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ePortfolios are a versatile tool that can be used for many different purposes. They can be enabled and used by teachers and students. 

On this page, you will find the following information:

The Purpose of ePortfolios

How ePortfolios are Structured

Showcasing Student Work in ePortfolios

Accessing ePortfolios

Enabling ePortfolios 

Creating Templates for ePortfolios

The ePortfolio Deployment Tool

Create a Page inside an ePortfolio

Create Content on an ePortfolio Page

NOTE: If ePortfolios have not been enabled at your school, you will need to talk to your Schoolbox Administrator or a Superuser.


The Purpose of ePortfolios

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An ePortfolio can be used for (28 × 21cm)


Showcase work

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Students can select work they are proud of that was submitted through Schoolbox to display on their ePortfolio

Set and reflect on goals

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Students can set and reflect on goals. With the blog component, students can write a post with their goal for the week/term/year and then at the end of the time period, respond with a comment to reflect on their achievement of their goal.

Share progress

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Students or teachers could share their progress on their goals by using the blog component to display what they are currently working on and their next steps.

Build portfolios

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ePortfolios are a great way to create electronic portfolios to display student work. This could be subject-based or even for a careers-based subject to teach students how to showcase their best work to a specific audience. Components such as the image gallery and the text box are versatile tools to display a wide variety of information.

Create resumes

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When students begin to consider casual work or begin to think about what subjects they need to study to get into a particular course post-high school, a careers page in their ePortfolio is a great way to encourage students to articulate their ideas under the guidance of a teacher or careers advisor. Some components you could use to help students build their careers page, include the basic list, advanced list, text box, blog and links components. 

Create a profile to share


Students can build profile pages in their ePortfolio to share with friends and teachers. Some components you could use to help students build their profile page include; the basic list, advanced list, text box, image gallery and video component. We recommend that you set up a template that students can use to help them build their profile page and rename some components to give students direction. For example, the basic list could be labelled 'My Hobbies'.

Share ideas

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ePortfolios can be a student's own collaborative space with their peers or family members. They could post goals with the lists component and get feedback from specific users.

Reflect on learning

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Teachers can also use the ePortfolio to build different pages. It could be a useful tool for the performance and development review process. Using a textbox or image component to share/describe their successful teaching practice.



How ePortfolios are Structured

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ePortfolio Structure

ePortfolios can be made up of different pages, allowing users to create pages for different subjects, interests or other areas.



ePortfolio Homepage

When navigating to an ePortfolio, you will first access the homepage. The homepage shows a summary of recent activity in the ePortfolio. It can also display 'showcased work', which are assessment items that students have submitted through Schoolbox and have chosen to display in their ePortfolio. There is also a list of the student’s subjects.



Cover Photo

The cover photo on this homepage can be customised by each user. 

1. To customise an ePortfolio cover photo as the owner of the ePortfolio, select the paperclip icon in the top right corner.


2. Add an image, then select ‘Upload’.


Showcasing Student Work in ePortfolios

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Work can be showcased to an ePortfolio by:

1. Go to the grades page where the results of the work are located.

2. Locating the activity underneath the heading 'Assessments'.

3. Select the title of the activity you want to showcase.


4. Select the 3-dot menu and 'Publish to ePortfolio'.


This will add that piece of work to the student's 'Recent Showcase Work' on the homepage and it will also create a page entitled 'Showcase Work', if this is the first piece of work that has been added.

Accessing ePortfolios

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As a Student

  • Via the Top Menu


  • Via the Side Menu


  • Via a student's Dashboard (if this option has been added by your school)



As a Teacher

1. Go to the student's Profile Page and select 'ePortfolio'.


Alternatively, you can search for a student, click the 3-dot menu, and select 'ePortfolio'.



Enabling ePortfolios

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Students will not be able to access their ePortfolio until a Superuser enables it for them.

There are three ways you can enable the ePortfolio for students:

  • Use the 'Bulk Modify' tool to import a data set of students with the ePortfolio enables flag set to true.
  • Enable the ePortfolio for an individual user via the Administration > User Management > Home.
  • Go to Administration > ePortfolio > Deployment, to copy ePortfolio pages from one user to a list of target users, roles, or campuses. Before you select "Deploy Selected Pages", ensure the "Enable ePortfolios" toggle is set to yes. This will enable the ePortfolio for any user who does not yet have ePortfolio's enabled.

If you are using the first two methods, you will also need to work within your school to plan and create the ePortfolio templates that students will use to create their ePortfolio pages. These can be customised in Administration > ePortfolio > Templates.

Creating Templates for ePortfolios

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To help students and teachers set up ePortfolios, templates can be used. These templates can be created in Administration > ePortfolio by a Superuser in your school.

There are a few components that differ from regular teaching and learning components that are used specifically for use on ePortfolios to help create fun and inspiring user owned areas.

To create an ePortfolio template:

1. Go to Administration > ePortfolio. 

2. Select the + icon in the top right corner. 


3. Give your template a name and select 'Create'.


4. Use the drop-down menu to select the template you would like to create.


5. Add components to the template by dragging and dropping them into the location you require them.


Modifying the ePortfolio template

You can modify the ePortfolio template by selecting the template you wish from the drop-down menu. 

You can add, delete or move around components on the template page.

To change the name of the template, select the 'pen icon' next to the template drop-down menu.


Deleting the ePortfolio template

Simply select the template from the drop down menu and then select delete. Deleting a template will not delete ePortfolio pages that have been created from that template.



The ePortfolio Deployment Tool

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Our ePortfolio deployment tool is great for duplicating a user's ePortfolio pages to another user or to groups of users in bulk. The page that is deployed will be an exact copy of the original, except that it will not contain any files that might have been added to the original.

1. Go to Administration > ePortfolio > Deployment.

2. Select the user whose ePortfolio pages you wish to copy by typing their name in the 'Source User' field.


3. Select the pages you want to copy from the available options by ticking the checkboxes of the page/s you wish to deploy.


4. Select the recipient/s of the copied pages. There are two options to choose the recipient/s of the copied pages.

  • You can choose the user/s to receive the copied ePortfolio pages by typing in the user/s' names in the 'Target User(s)' field.


  • Alternatively, you can deploy the ePortfolio pages in bulk. You can also choose the target role/s and target campus/es by ticking the checkboxes next to your preferences.


5. Ensure 'Enable ePortfolios' is toggled to YES. This will enable the ePortfolio for any user who does not yet have ePortfolio's enabled. 

6. If 'Skip Duplicates' is toggled to YES, the system will skip duplicates for students who already have a page with the same name. 

7. If 'Perform Dry Run' is toggled to YES, this means no changes will be made to the database when the pages are deployed.


8. Select 'Deploy Selected Pages'. You will then receive confirmation that your deployment is complete.

Create a Page inside an ePortfolio

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1. Go to the ePortfolio.

2. Select 'Add Page' at the top of the page.


3. Define a Page Name and select a template for this page. 


4. Select who can view this ePortfolio page by setting the Group Permissions, searching for certain students.


5. Toggle 'Allow Parents' to ON or OFF.


6. Once complete, select 'Create Page'.

Create Content on an ePortfolio Page

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1. Go to the ePortfolio.

2. Select a page you wish to apply content to.


3. Select the 'plus' icon, and select the components to drag and drop onto the page. 


4. Modify the component using the 'settings cog'.


5. Edit the columns on the page using the 'slider' icon. Adjust page permissions by selecting the 'pencil' icon. Delete the page by selecting the 'bin' icon.
