User Provisioning System (UPS)

Overview - User Provisioning System

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The User Provisioning System (UPS) is used to automatically provision active user accounts from your SIS data into Schoolbox

Each set of rules is defined based on the role type (Student, Parent, Staff). A rule is made up of a condition which controls if and when the rule runs. A rule also may contain multiple effects which perform the mapping of the SIS data to the appropriate field in Schoolbox.

Once you have made changes to the UPS you can test your changes with a dry-run without consequences. After a dry run you can view the log output of what would of occurred.

You can also enable or disabled the UPS individually for each role type at any time. Make sure you keep the role deactivated until you have completed some dry run tests and are confident it is ready to run.

The UPS will run nightly (unless otherwise configured) and only perform changes for the role types that have been activated to run.

On this page, you will find the following information:

Accessing the User Provisioning System

Creating a UPS Rule

Using the UPS

Creating Dynamic Groups

Understanding Tokens and Filters

Understanding String Matching

Adding a Condition

Adding an Effect

  • UPS Queries
  • Denbigh UPS Queries
  • Doublefirst UPS Queries
  • Humanedge UPS Queries
  • iSAMS UPS Queries
  • Maze UPS Queries
  • PCschool UPS Queries
  • Schoolpro UPS Queries
  • Synergetic UPS Queries
  • TASS UPS Queries

Accessing the User Provisioning System

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 1. Navigate to Administration > User Provisioning System.


2. Select the tab for the role type you wish to review or edit.


Creating a UPS Rule

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1. Navigate to Administration > User Provisioning System.


2. Select the role type.


3. Select the 3-dot menu and 'Add New Rule'.


4. Add a Name for your rule, and a description if required.


5. Select 'Submit'.

Using the UPS

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After creating your UPS rules, you can test to see how they are going to create or edit users in your instance.

To perform a dry run, select the 3-dot menu and then select 'Perform Dry Run'.


Selecting the date of the dry run record will show you what changes will occur if you perform a live update. 


When you are satisfied with the data that you will import into your Schoolbox instance, you can perform a live update.


To allow your UPS to run automatically at 10pm (AEST) each evening, toggle each role type to 'ON'.


To add or skip the future parents (to the Schoolbox database) when your UPS runs, toggle Custom rules to 'ON' or 'OFF':


NOTE: To include future parents, you must ensure that they will not have any relationships to any students (when you import and create future parents in UPS). To ensure this, you must deactivate 'Skip Parents with No Enrolled Children' in the UPS rulesets for 'Parents'. 
See Managing the TASS API Connector to know how to set it up to import the data.

Creating Dynamic Groups

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With the UPS you can create Dynamic Groups in Schoolbox. This allows you to create a group and a rule in the UPS which adds and maintains users in a group according to data in your School Information System (SIS).

This feature allows you to create many different types of Dynamic Groups. Some of the most popular groups are:

  • Year level group pages
  • Campus group pages
  • House group pages
  • Parent group pages

1. Create a Group Page in your Schoolbox Instance.

2. Create a Rule in the UPS for the relevant role type.


3. Add an effect.


4. Use the drop-down menu to select 'Groups (Remove), then 'Equals'.


5. Add all groups that match the associated rule.


This rule will ensure that when users change from one SIS field to another they will be removed from the old group that is mapped to their old SIS field. For example, when  a student moves from Year 9 to Year 10, this rule will ensure that they are removed from the Year 9 group. 

6. Add an effect.

7. Use the drop down menus to select Groups (Read), then Maps, then add the token to which you would like to map your group.


8. Add each of the fields from your SIS to the first column (one in each box) and then add the group to which you would like that SIS field to be assigned to.


9. Select 'Save Rule'.

Understanding Tokens and Filters

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Tokens are used to map data in your School Information System (SIS) to Schoolbox. They are used to target specific information in your SIS and allow you to choose how this affects areas of Schoolbox.

Tokens are used to create Effects. Effects sit within Rules.

You can add other information to tokens to edit the output they produce. For example, your students' usernames might be S plus their ID so you would use the letter S and the token {:id} to get their username to appear in Schoolbox.


Filters are used to modify the data from your SIS when it comes into Schoolbox. For example, in your SIS you may have names written all in capital letters. You would use a filter to get the name to appear with only the first letter capitalised.



Understanding String Matching (Wildcards)

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Wildcards can be used within the UPS rules to allow for mapping and matching on parts of a string of data from the SIS to user attributes within Schoolbox.



Adding a Condition

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1. Navigate to Administration > User Provisioning System.


2. Select the role type.


3. Select the 3-dot menu and then select '+ General Condition'.


Alternatively, select '+ User Exists Condition'.


4. Use the drop-down menu to select the Schoolbox Field you want to use for the condition.


5. Use the drop-down menu to select 'Matches' or 'Doesn't Match'.



6. In the SIS values field, type the value from you SIS that matches your condition.


7. Add the effects required or select 'Save Rule'.


NOTE: User exists conditions are used to create rules that only run on either existing users in Schoolbox, or only when users are first being created. For example, when creating users for the first time, you will want to create a rule that enables their accounts. This would have a user doesn't exist condition. This rule would only be useful on new users and not existing users, as if applied to existing users, any disabled users would be reenabled everytime the UPS runs.

Adding an Effect

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1. Navigate to Administration > User Provisioning System.


2. Select the role type.


3. Select the 3-dot menu and then select '+ Add New Effect'.


4. Use the drop-down menu to select the Schoolbox data field you would like to use for your effect.


5. Select either 'Maps' or 'Equals'.



Maps is a many to many mapping tool which allows you to choose an area in Schoolbox which contains many fields that you can map to an area of your SIS which contains many fields. You can then map which fields within these areas map to each other.

Equals is a one to one mapping tool which allows you to choose one field in Schoolbox that pulls from one area of your SIS.

6. Use the drop-down menu or add a token to match your SIS values.


7. Select 'Save Rule'.