Wolfram|Alpha Component

Overview - Wolfram|Alpha component

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The Wolfram Alpha widget allows you to embed Wolfram Alpha Widgets directly to your page. You can find different Wolfram Alpha Widgets on this page.

Wolfram Alpha widgets are free, personalized mini-apps that leverage the depth and breadth of the Wolfram|Alpha computational knowledge engine. This engine was built to compute answers and provide knowledge. It works by using its vast store of expert-level knowledge and algorithms to automatically answer questions, do analysis, and generate reports. They can do almost anything, from giving you rhyming words to a word, to solving complex problems. If Wolfram|Alpha can answer your query, you can use it to create a widget—and instantly offer live computational knowledge and results to your site's visitors.

Adding the Wolfram|Alpha Component

Are you sure you want to remove this component?

1. To add the component to your page, select the '+' button at the top of your page.


2. Select the 'Feeds' tab.


3. Drag and drop the component to the desired location.

Using the Wolfram|Alpha Component

Are you sure you want to remove this component?

1. Copy the URL or embed code from the Wolfram|Alpha website.

2. Navigate to the Wolfam|Alpha component.

3. Select 'Enter an embed code' if there is no content in the component.


Alternatively, if there is currently content in the component, unlock your page and update the URL or embed code.

4. Paste the URL or Embed Code into the 'URL or Embed Code' field.


5. Select 'Update'.

Wolfram|Alpha Component Settings

Are you sure you want to remove this component?

1. Unlock your page.


2. Select the 'Settings' cog on the component.



The Wolfram|Alpha component settings allow you to:

  • Collapse the content of your component.
  • Select compact mode.
  • Add a different URL or embed code to select new content.

Removing the Wolfram|Alpha Component

Are you sure you want to remove this component?

To remove the component from your homepage, unlock your page, and select the 'X' at the top-right of the components header.


NOTE: Removing the Component will delete the URL or embed code from Schoolbox. Adding a new component will not restore the URL or embed code, so you need to have stored the URL or embed code somewhere safe if you intend to reuse it.