Text Box Component

Overview - Text Box Component

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The Text Box component utilises the text editor. This allows you to add content to your page that can contain:

  • coloured, styled and formated text
  • quotes
  • tables
  • media (images, video, audio)
  • embed content from other sources (e.g: Google Maps, PDFs, YouTube, iframed websites, etc.)

On this page, you will find the following:

Adding the Text Box Component

Using the Text Box Component

Text Box Component Settings

Removing the Text Box Component

Managing Text Boxes on a Page

Formatting text and content within a Text Box 

Adding Multimedia to a Text Box

Adding the Text Box Component

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1. To add the component to your page, select the '+' button at the top of your page.


2. Select the 'Information' tab.


3. Drag and drop the component to the desired location.

Using the Text Box Component

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1. Navigate to the Text Box component.
2. Select 'Add text and multimedia, or embed content'.


3. Use the pre-filled title from the component heading or enter a new title and select 'Create Text Box'.


4. Add content to the Text Box.


5. Select 'Save'.


Text Box Component Settings

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1. Unlock your page.


2. Select the 'Settings' cog on the component.


The Text Box component settings allow you to:

  • Text Box: Select a Text Box to display, or content from a previously removed component.
  • Source: Alt-source a Text Box from another page.
  • Collapse Content: Collapse the content of your component only displaying the heading.
  • Heading: Rename the Text Box heading. 

NOTE: If this is entered before you add content to a Text Box, the heading will prefill the title of the Text Box upon adding content.

  • Show Title to Read-Only: Hide the heading from read-only users.
  • Show Back To Top Link: When enabled for each component, allows you to go to the top of the current page in the current browser window.



NOTE: By ticking the 'Collapse Content' and unticking the 'Show Title to Read-Only Users' settings, you will effectively hide the text box from view of read-only users. 

Adding Multimedia to a Text Box

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Websites can often have their content put into Schoolbox by clicking on a 'Share' button from the external webpage. Commonly sites will then give visitors either the option to select 'Link' (giving you a URL) or 'Embed' (giving some HTML code) along with some options to share their content.

If there isn't a 'Share' button, you can try to put the content into Schoolbox by copying the URL from your browser's address bar.

Both of these formats can then be added to a text box within your instance.


Methods for Embedding Content

1. Add a Text Box component to the page utilising the normal steps. 

NOTE: Not all links are compatible for embedding within Schoolbox. Superusers can add to the ‘Safe iFrame Sources’ list within Administration > System Settings > Security.

Option 1 - Within the Text Box component, select ‘Link’. This can be used for content with URL links. You can also select ‘Browse’ to browse for content that already exists within your school’s Schoolbox instance.


Option 2 - Paste the URL directly into the content area of the Text Box, or Drag and Drop content such as files and images.


Option 3 - Select the ‘Embed Resources’ icon. This can be used to insert images.


Option 4 - Select the ‘Insert Media’ icon. This can be used to insert video content.


Option 5 - Select the 3-dot menu > Source .


2. Select ‘Save’ to update the text box.

Removing the Text Box Component

Are you sure you want to remove this component?

1. Unlock the Page.


2. Select the 'X' at the top-right of the component's header.


3. Select ‘Remove’.


NOTE: To add content from a previously removed text box component, unlock your page, select the settings cog, then use the drop-down menu under the 'Text box' field to select previous content, then select 'Update'.

Managing Text Boxes on a Page

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To quickly view, edit and manage Text Boxes on a page you can visit the Manage Text Boxes page. There are two ways to access the Manage Text Boxes page. 

Option 1 - Ensure the Page is unlocked and navigate to an existing text box. Select ‘Manage All’.

Option 2 -Select the 3-dot menu in the corner of the page and select ‘Manage Text Boxes’. 


From the Manage Text Boxes Page you can 


  • Create a new text box.
  • Select the drop-down arrow to view a text box's contents.
  • Change the name of a text box.

NOTE: The name of the text box and the heading that is displayed are different things.

  • Remove an existing text box.

NOTE: Deleting a text box is an irreversible action.

NOTE: Selecting 'Manage All' on an Alt-Sourced text box will take you to the origin of the text box and will display where the text box is being Alt-Sourced.

Text and content within the text boxes can be formatted using the editing options using the CKEditor 5.

1. Navigate to the formating options in the in the Rich Text Editor ribbon.  

2. Use the "Aa" down to reveal text formatting options including text styles, font colour, font background, font size and font family. 


You may also select a specific colour from the colour picker, using the colour map or by adding a HEX colour code.

Colour picker 1

Colour picker 2

NOTE: The final five options from the colour picker are taken from the schools Skin Configuration options.

3. Block styles can be applied to a line of text by selecting the text and applying one of the ‘Styles’ from the drop-down options. 


There are several Style options to choose from. 


You can apply a block style as well as a heading format to a line of text at the same time.

NOTE: Multiple Block Styles can be applied to a line of text. It is recommended to only select one. Use Shift + Enter to begin writing on another line within the block.

4. To access the text box "Source" select the 3-dot menu within the editing ribbon.
