
Overview - Tasks

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Tasks are an activity that can be created for students as part of a unit, project or on a Class Page. Tasks are well suited to use when you want students to complete a task such as "read a PDF" or "watch a video". Tasks should be used where a teacher does NOT require students to submit any work for review, feedback or grading. 

Tasks can be shown through the use of the Course Outline (our recommendation) or the Task component. The component will automatically show all Tasks that are attached to the page.

On this page, you will find the following information:

Creating a Task

Moving a Learning Activity

Modifying a Task and using custom participation

Managing Pending and Overdue Assessments

Marking a Task

Creating a Task

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Tasks can be created from a Unit Page in the Course Builder component, or on a Class page, in the Course Outline component.

Creating a Task on a Unit Page

1. Navigate to the appropriate Unit Page.

2. Navigate to the Course Builder component.

3. Select 'Create Activity'.

4. Select 'Task'.image.php?hash=2a7d93b9841db292d14e4f7aa659b40292842dd5

5. Give your Task a title.


6. Use the drop down arrow to select a 'Work Type'.


7. Provide a description of the Task.


8. Add a link and/or attach files if required.


9. Select if the students will 'Self-assess' the Task.


10. Allocate the duration of the activity if required.

11. Select 'Create'.


Creating or Modifying a Task on a Class Page

1. Navigate to the appropriate Class page.

2. Navigate to the Course Outline component.

3. Select the 3-dot menu and select 'Task' next to the unit you are adding the learning activity.


4. Alternatively, select the 3-dot menu next to the task you wish to modify.


5. Give your task a title.


6. Use the drop down arrow to select a 'Work Type'.


7. Provide a description of the task.


8. Select the publish date for the task.


The publish date is when the task details will become visible to students and their parents.

9. Select the due date for the task.


The due date will show on the course outline, calendar and will set the time that students can complete a self-assessment until.

10. Add a link and/or attach files if required.


11. Toggle to allow students to 'self-assess' the Task.


12. Allocate the duration of the activity if required.

13. Select 'Create' or 'Update'.

Moving a Learning Activity

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Due Work, Quizzes and Tasks can be moved between Units within a Course.

1. Navigate to the Unit page where the learning activity is located.

2. Navigate to the Course Builder component.

3. Select the 3-dot menu next to the learning activity you wish to move, and select 'Modify'.


4. Select 'Change Location'.


5. Select the appropriate Unit where you would like to move the Learning Activity to.


6. Select 'Change Location'.


7. Select 'Update'.


Modifying a Task and Using Custom Participation

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A Learning Activity can be modified from within the Course Outline component on a Class page. One of the key additions available once a Learning Activity has been exported to the Class page is the ability for a teacher to define a Custom Participation Plan. Custom Participation allows you to differentiate learning activities for your students. 

1. Navigate to your Class page.

2. Create a new activity or select the 3-dot menu next to the learning activity you wish to adjust or remove for specific students.

3. Select 'Modify'.


4. Select the drop-down arrow next to 'Participation and Learning Plans'.



Excluding Students from a Learning Activity

1. Select the student/s you wish to exclude using the checkbox next to their profile picture.


2. Use the drop down arrow next to 'Modify Participation' and select ‘Exclude from assessment’.


3. Select 'Update'.



Creating a Custom Learning Plan for a Learning Activity

1. Select the student/s you wish to create a new learning plan for using the checkbox next to their profile picture.


2. Use the drop down arrow next to 'Modify Participation' and select ‘Create New Plan’.


3. Give the Learning Plan a name. 


4. If required, modify the activity description. 


5. If required, modify the publish date, open date, due date and close date. 


6. If required, modify participants by typing their name into the box and selecting their name and/or select the cross next to a student's name to remove them.


7. Select ‘Save’


NOTE: When creating a new learning plan, the method of grading cannot be adjusted, so if an alternative Mark Type or Rubric is required, you will need to create a new learning activity.

Managing Pending and Overdue Assessments

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1. Navigate to the Assessments icon in the Top Menu.


2. Select and apply filters to view the submission and marking status of assessments.


3. Select the drop-down arrow to view student submissions.


4. Scroll down to view Overdue Assessments.


Managing Learning Activities and Timetable Changes

Learning activities will continue to exist, with their publish, open, due and late dates regardless of what happens to a timetable and it being rolled over. However, students who are no longer enrolled in the class because of a change to the timetable will lose the work being associated to them unless one (or more) of these is done:
- The student attempts/submits the learning activity.
- The teacher marks them as having attempted/submitted to the learning activity.
- The teacher gives some form of feedback or a grade.
- The student is enrolled again via a new class code.
- The student is added to the page by a group permission.

Marking a Task

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If Allow Self-assessed is toggled to ON

When you create or modify a Task, you can select to toggle 'Allow self-assessed' to ON. This enables students to select and check off when they believe they have competed a Task.


1. Navigate to the course outline and locate the Task you wish to assess.

2. Select the 3-dot menu and the select ‘View Status’. This will open the Status Page for the Task.


3. An empty square indicates that the student has not marked the Task as completed. Select the empty gray square to mark the Task as teacher-assessed.image.php?hash=6dc12caaa7eee6797670fad05e6eb8a7507c7a7d

4. An orange tick indicates that the student has marked the Task as complete. Select the orange tick to mark the Task as teacher-assessed.


A green tick indicates that the teacher has marked the Task as complete.



If Allow Self-assessed is toggled to OFF

1. Navigate to the course outline and locate the Task you wish to assess.

2. Select the 3-dot menu and the select ‘View Status’. This will open the Status Page for the Task.

3. Select the empty gray square to mark the Task as teacher-assessed.
