Group Managers Component

Overview - Group Managers

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The Group Managers component allows a members of a Group to see who the Group Administrators are for the group. An example might be a teacher in charge of a sport within the school or a Head of Year who manages a Year Level Group page. A Group Manager is a user that has been granted 'Write' group permission to a group by the Group Admin or a Superuser. The Group Managers component shows the group manager/s associated with your homepage. A Group can have more than one manager (administrator). They have the ability to moderate the group by adding, removing and controlling read and write access of other members. The component also provides an email ALL group managers link. The list of managers can be controlled by managing the group. Your school may only want Staff to be Group Admins. If so, you will need to make sure you have this setting configured in the Administration area. It can be found in Admin>Settings>Policy >Enable only Staff to be Group Admins.   On this page, you will find the following:

  • Adding the Group Managers Component
  • Group Managers Component Setting

Adding the Group Managers Component

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1. To add the component to your page, select the '+' button at the top of your page.


2. Select the 'Collaboration' tab.


3. Drag and drop the component to the desired location.

Group Manager Component Settings

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The Group Manager settings allow you to:

  • Collapse the content of the component.
  • Change the heading of the component.
  • Change the way the Group Manager component can be viewed.


To view the Group Managers as a Grid View

1. Unlock the page.


2. Select the 'Settings' cog on the component.

3. Use the drop-down menu and select 'Grid'.


4. Select 'Update'.


To view the Group Members as a List View

1. Unlock the page.


2. Select the 'Settings' cog on the component.

3. Use the drop-down menu and select 'List'.


4. Select 'Update'.