Due Work

Overview of Due Work

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Due Work are tasks or assessments that you can grade and assign due dates for. You can use Due Work for both graded tasks and ungraded tasks, like homework; and you can add Due Work to projects, units, or class pages.

You can show Due Work using the Course Outline (recommended) or the Due Work component. The component will automatically show all due work linked to the page.

As a school staff, you can:


Create or edit Due Work on a Unit page (using the Course Builder component)

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You can create or edit Due Work on a Unit page (using the Course Builder component).

To create Due Work on a Unit page:

  1. Go to the appropriate Unit page.
  2. Then, go to the Course Builder component.
  3. Next, select Create Activity.
  4. Then, select Due Work.
  5. In Title, enter a title for the Due Work.
  6. Next, in Work Type, use the drop-down arrow to select a Work Type.
    Work Types allow users to filter various Schoolbox features such as the Assessment Calendar and Class Markbook for school staff and the Due Work Calendar for students.
    Note: Work types are not visible to parents or students in the work types filter when they view the student due work calendar or the grades page.
  7. In Common Assessment, toggle the setting to 'ON' to make the Due Work item a Common Assessment Task. 
    Due Work activities with this toggle ‘ON’ will not allow school staff to edit the Title, Work Type, Weight, Mark Type, and Rubric for the activity once exported to their Class page, unless they are a Superuser.
  8. Next, in Description, enter a description of the Due Work activity.
  9. Then, you can attach files if required.
  10. In Submissions, use the drop-down arrow to choose whether the Due Work will accept online submissions: 
    • None - If you choose ‘None,’ students won’t be able to submit the Due Work, and no submission types will display.
    • Single - If you choose ‘Single,’ you can upload only one document and make one submission for the Due Work activity. To upload a new document, you’ll need to delete your current submission first. However, if the 'Files' option is turned on, you can upload as many files as you want in one submission.
    • Multiple - If you choose ‘Multiple’, you can upload as many documents as you wish without having to delete previous submissions for that activity.
  11. Then, select the type of submission you allow:
    • Interactive Worksheet - If you choose 'Interactive Worksheet,' students can work on the worksheet in real-time with school staff before submitting their due work. See Interactive Worksheets.  
    • Submit in person - If you choose 'Submit in person,' students will be able to submit their due work in person.
    • Text Editor - If you choose 'Text Editor,' students can type directly into the editor to add or update their due work. 
    • File Upload - If you choose 'Files,' students will be able to upload files for their due work submissions.
  12. Next, in Student Authenticity Declaration Terms, toggle the setting to 'ON' to let students agree to the terms when they submit their work. 
    Note: This toggle will show up only if your Admin has set it up for your school.
  13. In Activity Duration, allocate the duration of the activity if required.
    Activity Duration shows how many days the activity is expected to take to complete. When a Unit is pushed out to a Class page, it will automatically suggest Publish and Due Dates for activities based on these values.
  14. In Enforce Safe Exam Browser, toggle the setting to 'ON' to ensure that exams are taken in a controlled, secure environment using a specialised web browser to prevent cheating and unauthorised access.
  15. In Grading, allocate the weight of the activity if required.
    Weight control decides how much the Due Work counts toward a student’s Overall Grade in the Class Markbook and, if enabled, on the student’s Grades page.
  16. Next, use the drop-down arrow to select if self-reflection and self-assessment are required:
    • Self-Reflection - If you choose ‘Self-Reflection,’ students will receive a Text Editor to optionally write a self-reflection when submitting their Due Work.
    • Self-Reflection + Self-Assessment - If you choose ‘Self-Reflection + Self-Assessment,’ students will have both a Text Editor for writing a self-reflection and the option to grade themselves using the rubric when submitting their Due Work. 
  17. Next, use the drop-down arrow to select the visibility of the grade and feedback once published:
    • Staff Only - If you choose ‘Staff Only,’ only school staff will be able to see the published grades and feedback.
    • Staff and Students - If you choose ‘Staff and Students,’ both school staff and students will be able to view the published grades and feedback.
    • Staff, Students and their Parents - If you choose ‘Staff, Students, and their Parents,’ all three groups will be able to see the published grades and feedback.
  18. Then, use the drop-down arrow to select any one  'Mark Type':
    • Percentage 
    • Total Mark 
    • Letter Grade - Letter Grades are set up in Administration > LMS > Grades. Multiple Letter Grade Groups may be available to select when creating Due Work.
  19. Next, toggle ‘Use Rubric’ to ‘ON’ if you wish to use the rubric.
  20. When done, select Create.
    This creates the Due Work on a Unit page.

    You’ve now created Due Work on a Unit page (using the Course Builder component).

Note: To edit Due Work on a Unit page, you can select the 3-dot menu iconWhite 3 dot menu iconfor the Due Work item you want to edit, and then select Update when done.


Create or edit a Due Work Item on a Class page (using the Course Outline component)

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You can create or edit Due Work Item on a Class page (using the Course Outline component).

To create Due Work on a Class page:

  1. Go to the appropriate Class page.
  2. Then, go to the Course Outline component.
  3. Next, select the 3-dot menu iconWhite 3 dot menu icon, and select Due Work for the Unit you are adding the learning activity to.
  4. In Title, give your Due Work a title or rename the title.
  5. Next, in Work Type, use the drop-down arrow to choose a 'Work Type'.
    Work Types allow users to filter various Schoolbox features such as the Assessment Calendar and Class Markbook for school staff and the Due Work Calendar for students.

    Note: Work types are not visible to parents or students in the work types filter when they view the student due work calendar or the grades page.
  6. Next, in Description, enter a description of the learning activity.
  7. Then, you can attach files if required.
  8. In Submissions, use the drop-down arrow to choose whether the Due Work will accept online submissions: 
    • None - If you choose ‘None,’ students won’t be able to submit the Due Work, and no submission types will display.
    • Single - If you choose ‘Single,’ you can upload only one document and make one submission for the Due Work activity. To upload a new document, you’ll need to delete your current submission first. However, if the 'Files' option is turned on, you can upload as many files as you want in one submission.
    • Multiple - If you choose ‘Multiple’, you can upload as many documents as you wish without having to delete previous submissions for that activity.
  9. Then, select the type of submission you allow:
    • Interactive Worksheet - If you choose 'Interactive Worksheet,' students can work on the worksheet in real-time with school staff before submitting their due work. See Interactive Worksheets.  
    • Submit in person - If you choose 'Submit in person,' students will be able to submit their due work in person.
    • Text Editor - If you choose 'Text Editor,' students can type directly into the editor to add or update their due work. 
    • File Upload - If you choose 'Files,' students will be able to upload files for their due work submissions.
  10. Next, in Student Authenticity Declaration Terms, toggle the setting to 'ON' to let students agree to the terms when they submit their work. 
    Note: This toggle will show up only if your Admin has set it up for your school.
  11. In Publish Date, select the publish date for the learning activity.
    Note: The publish date is when the learning activity details will become visible to students and their parents. 
  12. Next, in Open Date, select the open date for the learning activity.
    Note: The open date is when students can start submitting their work.
  13. In Due Date, select the due date for the learning activity.
    Note - The due date will appear on the course outline, calendar, and upcoming due work component.
  14. In Late Date, select the late date for the learning activity.
    Note - The late date is when submissions will no longer be accepted.
  15. In Grading, allocate the weight of the activity if required.
    Weight control decides how much the Due Work counts toward a student’s Overall Grade in the Class Markbook and, if enabled, on the student’s Grades page.
  16. Next, use the drop-down arrow to select if self-reflection and self-assessment are required:
    • Self-Reflection - If you choose ‘Self-Reflection,’ students will receive a Text Editor to optionally write a self-reflection when submitting their Due Work.
    • Self-Reflection + Self-Assessment - If you choose ‘Self-Reflection + Self-Assessment,’ students will have both a Text Editor for writing a self-reflection and the option to grade themselves using the rubric when submitting their Due Work.
  17. Next, use the drop-down arrow to select the visibility of the grade and feedback once published:
    • Staff Only - If you choose ‘Staff Only,’ only school staff will be able to see the published grades and feedback.
    • Staff and Students - If you choose ‘Staff and Students,’ both school staff and students will be able to view the published grades and feedback.
    • Staff, Students and their Parents - If you choose ‘Staff, Students, and their Parents,’ all three groups will be able to see the published grades and feedback.
  18. Then, use the drop-down arrow to select any one 'Mark Type':
    • Percentage 
    • Total Mark 
    • Letter Grade - Letter Grades are set up in Administration > LMS > Grades. Multiple Letter Grade Groups may be available to select when creating Due Work.
  19. Next, toggle ‘Use Rubric’ to ‘ON’ if you wish to use the rubric.
  20. Then, use the drop-down arrow to differentiate using a 'Participation and Learning Plans' if required.
  21. In Curriculum, add Curriculum Codes if required.
  22. When done, select Create.
    This creates the Due Work on a Class page.

    You’ve now created Due Work on a Class page (using the Course Outline component).

Note: To edit Due Work on a Class page, you can select the 3-dot menu iconWhite 3 dot menu iconfor the Learning Activity you want to edit, and then select Update when done.


Create or edit Due Work from the Unit Planner

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As a school staff, you can create or edit Due Work from the Unit Planner.

To create Due Work from the Unit Planner page:

  1. On your Schoolbox homepage, select Courses.
    Alternatively, you can also add /course/list to your URL.
    The Course List page appears.
  2. In Course List, select the 3-dot menu icon3-dot Menu Iconfor one of the courses.
  3. Then, select Unit Planner.
    This opens the Unit Planner page.
  4. In the Learning Activities column, select the Create Activity icon Create Activity icon to create an activity in the course within the Unit Planner.
    A list of options appears for you to select from.
  5. Next, select Due Work.
    This opens the Create Due Work page for you.
  6. To create the due work, see steps 4 through 22 in Create or edit a Due Work Item on a Class page.
    This creates the Due Work for you. It then appears in the Learning Activities column in the Unit Planner.

    You’ve now created Due Work from the Unit Planner.


  • To edit a Due Work item, select the 3-dot menu icon3-dot Menu Iconnext to it and then select Modify
  • To export a Due Work, select the 3-dot menu icon3-dot Menu Iconnext to it and then select Export to Classes.
  • To remove a Due Work from the Unit Planner, select the 3-dot menu icon3-dot Menu Iconnext to it and then select Delete.
  • See Manage learning activities within the Unit Planner (for school staff).

Move a Learning Activity

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You can move a Learning Activity between Units within a Course. This includes Due Work, Quizzes, Lesson Plans, Projects, and Tasks.

To move a learning activity:

  1. Go to the Unit page where the learning activity is located.
  2. Then, go to the Course Builder component.
  3. Next, select the 3-dot menu iconWhite 3 dot menu iconfor the learning activity you wish to move, then select Modify.
  4. Then, select Change Location.
  5. Select the Unit where you want to move the Learning Activity to.
  6. Then, select Change Location.
  7. When done, select Update.
    This moves the learning activity.

    You’ve now moved the learning activity between Units within a Course.

Manage Pending and Overdue Assessments

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As a school staff, you can manage pending and overdue assessments.

To do this:

  1. On your Schoolbox homepage, select the Assessments icon AD_4nXcAS8GTDatitew5_8lUHlNQu6n8lMTv39wIwQmcT1t9nGJkpO1f83dDzANMvWgaDfJp3QpMGvvlV6x_Nk5e618AtcyIPhJZkEQ3aROweNl9lfX6JS4tQhXMuvMU7Q5hV6V1sSdztxeoK5jxa6eeUR3QElhC?key=TNSeKa4qdLXlRWzF2xDBag.
    The Assessments page appears with the Pending Assessments.
  2. In Pending Assessments, select and apply filters to view the submission and marking status of assessments:
    • Learning Activities
    • Folders
    • Due in Academic Period
    • Activity Status
    • Weighting
    • Work Type
  3. When done, select Apply Filters.
    This lists the submission and marking status of assessments.

    Note: You can select Reset to defaults and then select Apply Filters to restore the default settings.
  4. Next, select the drop-down arrow icon AD_4nXekJdJ_G45iOWDrsEoh9gPM4e8INzHBe3JmpOnDsZxgA3-w77c0Pe-6RgDzk_V4LlxEvTFYqSJuBfC2AbZg0b5x5pt88XeOFitiRl-bVKRvV76pqqserDKmwcqLV-T2IaNfg2pUXBN2cvs7dQcO-hIGCBQ?key=_oCd3rzKO-4I_qP4-LvXrg to view student submissions.
  5. Then, scroll to Overdue to see the overdue assessments.
  6. Next, select the drop-down arrow icon AD_4nXekJdJ_G45iOWDrsEoh9gPM4e8INzHBe3JmpOnDsZxgA3-w77c0Pe-6RgDzk_V4LlxEvTFYqSJuBfC2AbZg0b5x5pt88XeOFitiRl-bVKRvV76pqqserDKmwcqLV-T2IaNfg2pUXBN2cvs7dQcO-hIGCBQ?key=_oCd3rzKO-4I_qP4-LvXrg to view overdue assessments.
  7. Select Mark as submitted to finalise assessments for students.
  8. Next, select Yes, they submitted on-time to confirm if the students submitted their work on time. If not, select No, they submitted late.
    Note: You can select Email All to notify students of their overdue assessments.

    You’ve now managed pending and overdue assessments.

Note: You can also manage Learning Activities and Timetable changes. Learning activities will still exist with their publish, open, due, and late dates, even if the timetable changes or gets rolled over. However, students who are no longer enrolled in the class due to a timetable change will lose their associated work unless one or more of the following actions are taken:

  • The student attempts/submits the learning activity.
  • The school staff marks them as having attempted/submitted to the learning activity.
  • The school staff gives some form of feedback or a grade.
  • The student is enrolled again via a new class code.
  • The student is added to the page by a group permission.

Download Student Submissions

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As a school staff, you can download student submissions for one or more students. This includes annotations, associated grading, and similarity check reports.

To download student submissions:

  1. Go to the appropriate Class page.
  2. Then, go to the Course Outline component.
  3. Next, select the 3-dot menu iconWhite 3 dot menu icon, and select View Status for the Due Work item you are downloading student submissions for.
    This opens the Quickmark screen for the learning activity.
  4. Then, select the 3-dot menu iconWhite 3 dot menu iconand select Download All.
    This opens the ‘Download All Submissions’ window.
  5. In Download All Submissions, select the students to include in the download.
  6. Then, select Download.
  7. Select Yes to confirm.
  8. You can leave the page and keep working while the download is in progress. 
    When it's finished, you'll get a notification with a link to a zip file that contains the downloaded submissions.
  9. Once you’ve received the instant notification for the completed download, select the notification that will trigger an automatic download of the zip folder.
    You’ve now downloaded the student submissions successfully.

Note: The 'Download All' function has a 2 GB limit and won't warn you if you go over it. If the download fails, try selecting fewer students' work to download.

Use Participation and Learning Plans

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As a school staff, you can tailor learning activities to meet the needs of different students.

You can exclude students from a learning activity or create a new learning plan for a learning activity.

To do this:

  1. First, go to the appropriate Class page.
  2. Then, go to the Course Outline component or the Due Work, Quizzes, or Tasks component.
  3. Next, select the 3-dot menu icon3-dot Menu Iconand select Modify for the learning activity that you want to customise.
  4. Scroll and select the drop-down arrow icon Blue drop dpwn arrow icon to open Participation and Learning Plans.
    A list of students appears for this class and learning activity.
  5. To exclude a student from the learning activity, select the checkbox next to the student’s profile picture.
    Note: You can do this for one or more students.
  6. Next, select the drop-down arrow iconDrop Down arrow icon (1)to open Modify Participation.
  7. Then, select Exclude from assessment.
    This greys out the student’s name(s) from the list, excluding them from the learning activity.
    Note - You can include an excluded student again in the learning activity. To do so, select the checkbox next to the greyed-out student’s profile picture again and select the drop-down arrow icon Drop Down arrow icon (1)to open Modify Participation. Then, select Include in assessment.
  8. When done, select Update.
    This updates the learning activity to exclude the student(s) and takes you back to your class page.

You can create a new learning plan for one or more students for their activity. Since the grading method can't be changed in an existing plan, if you need a different Mark Type or Rubric, you'll need to set up a new learning activity.

To do this, after step 5, you must:

  1. Select the drop-down arrow iconDrop Down arrow icon (solid blue)to open Modify Participation.
  2. Next, select Create new plan....
    The Create New Learning Plan window opens.
  3. Enter the new learning plan details with:
    • Plan Name
    • Custom Activity Details
    • Plan Participants
  4. When done, select Save.
    The new learning plan you’ve just created appears near the student’s name. 
    Note - You can edit the new learning plan you’ve just saved. For this, select the drop-down arrow icon Drop Down arrow icon (1) to open Modify Plans and select the plan name you wish to edit. Select Save when done.
  5. Then, select Update for all the changes to take effect.
    This updates the learning activity and takes you back to your class page.

    You’ve now used ‘Participation and Learning Plans’  to tailor learning activities to meet the needs of different students.

Mark a Due Work

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As a school staff, you can mark a Due Work using the 'Quickmark' screen. The Quickmark screen helps you see an overview of:

  • student submissions for a particular assessment task
  • which students have submitted or not submitted tasks 
  • whether a task was:
    • submitted on time, 
    • submitted late, 
    • resubmitted, or
    • not submitted at all. 

This guide will help you:


Access the Quickmark screen

You can go to the 'Quickmark' screen in one of these four ways:

  1. Select the notification you receive when a student submits work.
  2. Select the 'Assessments' icon Assessments icon in the top menu.
  3. Select the title of the Due Work in your Class Markbook. See Accessing the Class Markbook.
  4. Select the 3-dot menu icon3-dot Menu Iconand then select View Status from the Course Outline component on your Class page.


Use the Quickmark screen

From the Quickmark screen, there are several actions you can perform such as:

  • Filter the screen against submission status:
  • Assign a grade:
  • Request a student resubmit a task:
  • Add a comment:
  • View if there is a rubric associated with the Due Work:
  • View details of Custom Participation that has been applied to the student:

If the Due Work has a submission associated with it, select the 3-dot menu icon3-dot Menu Iconfor additional options:

  • 'View and Grade Submission':
  • View the 'Submission History':
  • Submit on behalf of a student:

Note: When you mark a student's due work attempt as 'Resubmission required', it will not automatically publish the draft feedback.

  • If a student has submitted in person, you can 'Manage submissions' from the Quickmark screen:


Mark multiple Due Work items as Submitted

From the Quickmark screen, to mark multiple Due Work items as Submitted:

  1. Select the 3-dot menu icon3-dot Menu Iconat the top of the Quickmark screen.
  2. Next, select Manage submissions.
  3. In the Manage Submissions window, select the checkboxes to select one or more students.
  4. When done, select Save.
    Note: If you are completing this action after the Due Date has passed and the work was submitted on time, set the Did these students submit their work on time? toggle to YES. If the work was submitted late, set the Did these students submit their work on time? toggle to NO.
  5. Select Acknowledge Received.
    Note: The ‘Manage Submissions’ function works similarly to the Student has submitted their work in person checkbox. It also helps keep the student linked to the assessment, even if they change classes or the school timetable is updated.


Blind Marking Due Work Submissions

From the Quickmark screen, to blind mark Due Work items Submissions:

  1. Select the 3-dot menu icon3-dot Menu Iconat the top of the Quickmark screen.
  2. Select Blind Review.
    This allows you to grade an assessment without seeing the student's identity. When you select 'Blind Review,' a student's assessment task is randomly assigned for you to review.

    Note: This feature is available only when at least one student has submitted their assessment task online.


The Inline Grader lets you add annotations to certain file types when a student submits their work online.



Due work are tasks or assessments that can be graded and have due dates assigned. Due work can be used for both tasks you grade and tasks you don’t want to grade, such as homework. Due work can be added to projects, units or class pages. 

Due work can be shown through the use of the Course Outline (our recommendation) or the Due Work component. The component will automatically show all due work that is attached to the page.

On this page, you will find the following information:

Creating Due Work

Creating or Modifying a Due Work Item on a Class page

Moving a Learning Activity

Managing Pending and Overdue Assessments

Downloading Student Submissions

Using Custom Participation

Marking Due Work

Using the Kami Inline Grader

Publish Draft Marks and Feedback

Due Work can be created on a Unit page using the Course Builder component, or on a Class page, using the Course Outline component.

Creating or Modifying Due Work on a Unit Page

1. Navigate to the appropriate Unit page.

2. Navigate to the Course Builder component.

3. Select 'Create Activity'.


Alternatively, select the 3-dot menu next to the Due Work item you wish to modify.


4. Select 'Due Work'.


5. Give your Due Work a title.

6. Use the drop-down arrow to select a 'Work Type'.

Work Types allow users to filter different features of Schoolbox such as the Assessment Calendar and Class Markbook for teachers and the Due Work Calendar for students.


NOTE: Work types are not visible to parents or students in the work types filter when they view the student due work calendar or the grades page.

7. To make the Due Work item a Common Assessment Task, toggle the setting to 'ON'. 

Due Work activities with this toggle ‘ON’ will not allow teachers to edit the Title, Work Type, Weight, Mark Type and Rubric for the activity once exported to their class page, unless they are a Superuser.


8. Provide a description of the Due Work activity.


9. Attach files if required.


10. Use the drop-down arrow to select if the due work will accept online submissions. 

  • If you select ‘None’, the students will not be able to submit the due work.
  • If you select ‘Single’, you can upload only one document to the Due Work activity and create only one submission for that activity. To upload a new document, you must delete your current submission first. However, if the 'Files' option is enabled, users will be able to upload as many files as they want in a single submission.
  • If you select ‘Multiple’, users can upload as many documents as they wish without having to delete previous submissions for that activity.


11. Select the type of submission.

  • If you select 'Interactive Worksheet', this will allow students to work on an interactive worksheet in real-time with school staff (before they submit their due work). See Interactive Worksheets.  
  • If you select 'Submit in person', this will allow students to submit their due work in person. 
  • If 'Text Editor' is selected, this will allow students to type directly into the editor to add or edit their due work content. 
  • If you select 'Files', this will allow students to upload files for their due work submissions.

    Note - 'Student Authenticity Declaration Terms' is to allow students to agree to the terms when they submit due work. This will appear only if your Admin has set it up for your school.


12. Allocate the duration of the activity if required.

Activity Duration represents the number of days the activity is expected to take before it is completed. When a Unit is pushed out to a Class Page, it will automatically suggest Publish and Due Dates for activities based on these values.


13. Allocate the weight of the activity if required.

Weight control’s the Due Work’s contribution to a student’s Overall Grade in both the Class Markbook, and if enabled, the student’s Grades page.


14. Use the drop-down arrow to select if self-reflection and self-assessment are required.

  • If ‘Self-Reflection’ is selected, users will be provided with a Text Editor to optionally complete a written self-reflection when submitting Due Work.
  • If ‘Self-Reflection + Self-Assessment’ is selected, users will get both a Text Editor to optionally complete a written self-reflection and the ability to mark themselves on the rubric being used for grading when submitting Due Work.


15. Use the drop-down arrow to select the visibility of the grade and feedback once published.

  • If ‘Staff Only’ is selected, only Staff users will be able to see published grades and feedback.
  • If ‘Staff and Students’ is selected, both Staff and Students will be able to see published grades and feedback.
  • If ‘Staff, Students and their Parents’ is selected, all three of these users will be able to see published grades and feedback.


16. Use the drop down arrow to select the 'Mark Type'.

NOTE: Letter Grades are configured in Administration > LMS > Grades. Multiple Letter Grade Groups may be available to select when creating Due Work.


17. If you wish to include a rubric, toggle ‘Use Rubric’ to ‘ON’.


18. If required, add Curriculum Codes.

19. Select 'Create'.

1. Navigate to the appropriate Class Page.

2. Navigate to the Course Outline component.

3. Select the 3-dot menu, and select 'Due Work' next to the Unit you are adding the learning activity to.


Alternatively, select the 3-dot menu next to the Learning Activity you wish to modify.


4. Give your Due Work a title or rename the title.


5. Use the drop-down arrow to select a 'Work Type'.

Work Types allow users to filter different features of Schoolbox such as the Assessment Calendar and Class Markbook for teachers and the Due Work Calendar for students.


NOTE: Work types are not visible to parents or students in the work types filter when they view the student due work calendar or the grades page.

6. Provide a description of the learning activity.


7. Attach a file if required.


8. Use the drop-down arrow to select if the Due Work will accept online submissions.

  • If you select ‘None’, the students will not be able to submit the due work.
  • If you select ‘Single’, you can upload only one document to the Due Work activity and create only to create only one submission for that activity. To upload a new document, you must delete your current submission first. However, if the 'Files' option is enabled, users will be able to upload as many files as they want in a single submission.
  • If you select ‘Multiple’, users can upload as many documents as they wish without having to delete previous submissions for that activity.


9. Select the type of submission.

  • If you select 'Interactive Worksheet', this will allow students to work on an interactive worksheet in real-time with school staff (before they submit their due work). See Interactive Worksheets.  
  • If you select 'Submit in person', this will allow students to submit their due work in person. 
  • If 'Text Editor' is selected, this will allow students to type directly into the editor to add or edit their due work content. 
  • If you select 'Files', this will allow students to upload files for their due work submissions.

NOTE: 'Student Authenticity Declaration Terms' is to allow students to agree to the terms when they submit due work. This will appear only if your Admin has set it up for your school.


10. Create or modify the publish date for the learning activity.


NOTE: The publish date is when the details of the learning activity will become visible to students and their parents

11. Create or modify the open date for the learning activity.


NOTE: The open date is when students can begin submitting their work.

12. Create or modify the due date for the learning activity.


NOTE: The due date will show on the course outline, calendar and upcoming due work component.

13. Create or modify the late date for the learning activity.


NOTE: The late date is the time from which submissions will no longer be accepted.

14. Allocate the weight of the activity if required.

Weight control’s the Due Work’s contribution to a student’s Overall Grade in the both the Class Markbook, and if enabled, the student’s Grades page.


15. Use the drop-down arrow to select if self-reflection and self-assessment are required.

  • If ‘Self-Reflection’ is selected, users will be provided with a Text Editor to provide a written self-reflection when submitting Due Work
  • If ‘Self-Reflection + Self-Assessment’ is selected, users will get both a Text Editor to provide a written self-reflection and the ability to mark themselves on the rubric being used on the Due Work when submitting Due Work.


16. Use the drop-down arrow to select the visibility of the grade.

  • If ‘Staff Only’ is selected, only Staff users will be able to see published grades and feedback.
  • If ‘Staff and Students’ is selected, both Staff and Students will be able to see published grades and feedback.
  • If ‘Staff, Students and their Parents’ is selected, all three of these users will be able to see published grades and feedback.


17. Use the drop-down arrow to select the 'Mark Type'.


NOTE: Letter Grades are configured in Administration > LMS > Grades. Multiple Letter Grade Groups may be available to select when creating Due Work.

18. If you wish to include a rubric, toggle ‘Use Rubric’ to ‘ON’.


19. If required, use the drop down arrow to differentiate using a 'Participation and Learning Plans'.


20. If required, add Curriculum Codes.

21. Select 'Create' or 'Update'.

Due Work, Quizzes and Tasks can be moved between Units within a Course.

1. Navigate to the Unit page where the learning activity is located.

2. Navigate to the Course Builder component.

3. Select the 3-dot menu next to the learning activity you wish to move, and select 'Modify'.


4. Select 'Change Location'.


5. Select the appropriate Unit where you would like to move the Learning Activity to.


6. Select 'Change Location'.


7. Select 'Update'.


1. Navigate to the Assessments icon in the Top Menu.


2. Select and apply filters to view the submission and marking status of assessments.


3. Select the drop-down arrow to view student submissions.


4. Scroll down to view Overdue Assessments.


Managing Learning Activities and Timetable Changes

Learning activities will continue to exist, with their publish, open, due and late dates regardless of what happens to a timetable and it being rolled over. However, students who are no longer enrolled in the class because of a change to the timetable will lose the work being associated to them unless one (or more) of these is done:
- The student attempts/submits the learning activity.
- The teacher marks them as having attempted/submitted to the learning activity.
- The teacher gives some form of feedback or a grade.
- The student is enrolled again via a new class code.
- The student is added to the page by a group permission.

From the Quickmark screen, you are able to download student submissions, including annotations, associated grading and similarity check reports. Multiple students can be selected when downloading submissions, and teachers can navigate away from the page to continue working whilst the download is in progress. Once completed, teachers will receive an instant notification with a link to a zip file containing the downloaded submissions.


1. Navigate to the Quickmark screen for the task you would like to download. 

2. Select the 3 dot menu and select ‘Download All’.


3. Select the students to include in the download from the modal.


4. Select ‘Download’.

You can then navigate away from the screen. 

5. Once you have received the instant notification for the completed download, select the notification which will trigger an automatic download of the zip folder.


NOTE: The 'Download All' function is currently capped at 2GB and will not warn a user of this limit being exceeded. If an attempt to download fails, try selecting a smaller number of students' work to download.

A Learning Activity can be modified from within the Course Outline component on a Class page. One of the key additions available once a Learning Activity has been exported to the Class page is the ability for a teacher to define a Custom Participation Plan. Custom Participation allows you to differentiate learning activities for your students. 

1. Go to your Class page.

2. Create a new activity or select the 3-dot menu next to the learning activity you wish to adjust or remove for specific students.

3. Select 'Modify'.


4. Select the drop-down arrow next to 'Participation and Learning Plans'.



Excluding Students from a Learning Activity

1. Select the student/s you wish to exclude using the checkbox next to their profile picture.


2. Use the drop-down arrow next to 'Modify Participation' and select ‘Exclude from assessment’.


3. Select 'Update'.



Creating a Custom Learning Plan for a Learning Activity

1. Select the student/s you wish to create a new learning plan for using the checkbox next to their profile picture.


2. Use the drop-down arrow next to 'Modify Participation' and select ‘Create New Plan’.


3. Give the Learning Plan a name. 


4. If required, modify the activity description. 


5. If required, modify the publish date, open date, due date and close date. 


6. If required, modify participants by typing their name into the box and selecting their name and/or select the cross next to a student's name to remove them.


7. Select ‘Save’.


NOTE: When creating a new learning plan, the method of grading cannot be adjusted, so if an alternative Mark Type or Rubric is required, you will need to create a new learning activity.

To mark Due Work, you first need to navigate to the 'Quickmark' screen.  The Quickmark screen provides you with an overview of student submissions for a particular assessment task. From this screen, you will be able to see which students have submitted or not submitted, and whether a task has been submitted on time, submitted late, resubmitted or not submitted at all. 

The Quickmark screen can be accessed from several locations:

Select the notification you receive when a student submits work.


Select the 'Assessments' tab in the Top Menu.


Select the title of the Due Work in your Class Markbook.


Select the 3-dot menu and 'View Status' from the Course Outline component on your Class page.



Using the Quickmark Screen

From the Quickmark screen, there are several actions you can perform:

  • Filter the screen against submission status


  • Assign a grade


  • Request a student resubmit a task


  • Add a comment


  • View if there is a rubric associated with the Due Work


  • View details of Participation and Learning Plans that has been applied to the student


If the Due Work has a submission associated with it, select the 3-dot menu for additional options.

  • 'View and Grade Submission' 


  • View the 'Submission History'


  • Submit on behalf of a student


NOTE: When you mark a student's due work attempt as 'Resubmission required', it will not automatically publish the draft feedback.

  • If a student has submitted in person, you can 'Manage submissions' from the Quickmark screen.


Marking Multiple Due Work Items as Submitted

1. Select the 3-dot menu at the top right of the Quickmark screen.

2. Select ‘Manage submissions’.


3. Use the checkboxes to select students to manage submissions.


4. If you are completing this action after the Due Date has passed and the work was submitted on time, set the ‘Did these students submit their work on time?’ toggle to ‘YES. If the work was submitted late, set the ‘Did these students submit their work on time?’ toggle to ‘NO’.



NOTE: The 'Manage submissions' function works much like the 'Student has submitted their work in person' tickbox. It is also a useful function for keeping the student linked to the assessment - particularly if they move classes or the timetable changes within the school.


Blind Marking Due Work Submissions

1. Select the 3-dot menu at the top right of the Quickmark screen.

2. Select 'Blind Review'.

This will allow you to grade an assessment task, without knowing the identity of the student.  When you select 'Blind Review', a student’s assessment task will be selected at random for you to review. 


NOTE: This functionality will only be available if at least one student has submitted an assessment task online.


Using the Kami Inline Grader

Are you sure you want to remove this component?

The Inline Grader allows you to annotate specific file types, when a student submits online.

1. To access student submissions and provide feedback using Kami, navigate to the Quickmark screen.

2. Select the 3-dot menu next to a student, and select 'View and Grade Submissions'. Alternatively, select Preview Submission > Review Submission.


The Inline Grader will be displayed. The Kami tools are separated into categories.

Reading and Manipulation Tools: Select, Dictionary, Text to Speech


Markup Tools: Markup, Comment, Text box, Equations


Creativity Tools: Drawing, Shapes, Eraser


Insert Media Tools: Images, Signature


3. Use the tools as required to provide feedback to the student.

NOTE: Only the user who creates the annotation can remove it.

NOTE: On larger screens, Kami will display on the left hand side of the screen with a rubric (if applicable), grade and comment appearing on the right hand side of the screen. 


Publish Draft Marks and Feedback

Are you sure you want to remove this component?

Once you’ve finished marking the student’s work, clicking 'Continue' will save a draft of your feedback and/or grading and move onto the next submission. Publishing will make the feedback and results available to these users.

If you wish to publish individual student feedback after marking has been completed:

1. Navigate to the Quickmark Screen for the Due Work activity.

2. Select ‘Publish’ for the student whose feedback and/or grades you wish to publish.


NOTE: Only a student that has unpublished or modified published feedback and/or grades will have this option available.


If you wish to bulk publish feedback after marking has been completed: 

1. Navigate to the Quickmark Screen for the Due Work activity.

2. Select the 3-dot menu in the top right of the screen, and select ‘Publish grades & feedback’.


3. Select students whose feedback you wish to publish using the checkbox next to their name.


4. Select ‘Publish All’.


NOTE: This feedback will display on the student’s grades page and their individual activity feed.