Course Outline Component


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The Course Outline component is added to your class page. It allows teachers to import Courses and Units into their Class page. Think of it as the 'link' between your Class page and Course/ Unit pages. When importing a Course the component 'pulls through' all of the items (Due Work, Tasks, Quizzes, Projects) from a Course Builder that exists on a Unit page. Once imported, students can interact with the activities from a Course/ Unit. items. When importing a Course using the Course Outline component a teachers does NOT need to add the Due Work Component on their class page. The component is a great way to allows students to self-regulate their learning.

On this page you will find the following information:

Adding the Course Outline Component

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1. To add the component to your page, select the '+' button at the top of your page.


2. Select the 'Learning' tab.


3. Drag and drop the component to the desired location.

Using the Course Outline Component

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1. Navigate to the Course Outline component.

2. Select 'Import a course'.



Importing a Course from a Class Page

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Importing a course using ‘Manage Courses’

1. Navigate to your Class Page.

2. Select the 3-dot menu in the top right of the page and select 'Manage Courses'.


3. Select the 'plus icon'.


4. Select the title of the Course you wish to import from the Courses list.


5. Use the checkboxes to select the units you are importing.


6. Add open and close dates for the units.


7. Select the checkboxes next to the specific Learning Activities to import into your class.


NOTE: A Unit can be imported without any Learning Activities.

8. Set any ‘Publish’, ‘Open’, ‘Due’, and/or ‘Late’ dates.

NOTE: Dates can be set using the date picker or by typing words such as ‘tomorrow’, ‘next week’, ‘3 months’ etc.

9. Select 'Import'.

NOTE: If no Course Outline component is on the class page, then a new component will be automatically added to the top of the page.


Importing a course using a ‘Course Outline’ Component

1. Navigate to your Class Page.

2. Add a 'Course Outline' component to your page or locate a Course Outline component that is already on the page.

3. Select 'Import a course'.


4. Select the title of the Course you wish to import from the Courses list.


5. Use the checkboxes to select the units you are importing.


6. Add open and close dates for the units.


7. Select the checkboxes next to the specific Learning Activities to import into your class.


NOTE: A Unit can be imported without any Learning Activities.

8. Set any ‘Publish’, ‘Open’, ‘Due’, and/or ‘Late’ dates.

NOTE: Dates can be set using the date picker or by typing words such as ‘tomorrow’, ‘next week’, ‘3 months’ etc.

9. Select 'Import'.

Modifying an Imported Course

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Modifying an Imported Course Using the Course Outline

1. Navigate to the Course Outline component on your Class Page and select ‘Modify’.


2. Use the checkboxes to select the units you wish to import or unselect those you wish to delete.


3. Select the checkboxes next to the specific learning activities you wish to import or unselect those you wish to delete from your class.


4. Add or update any ‘Publish’, ‘Open’, ‘Due’, and/or ‘Late’ dates.

NOTE: Dates can be set using the date picker or by typing words such as ‘tomorrow’, ‘next week’, ‘3 months’ etc.

5. Select 'Modify'.


Modifying an Imported Course - Option 2

1. Navigate to your Class Page.

2. Select the 3-dot menu and select 'Manage Courses'.


3. Select the 3-dot-menu of the course you wish to modify.


4. Select 'Modify'.


5. Use the checkboxes to select the units you wish to import or unselect those you wish to delete.


6. Select the checkboxes next to the specific learning activities you wish to import or unselect those you wish to delete from your class.


7. Add or update any ‘Publish’, ‘Open’, ‘Due’, and/or ‘Late’ dates.

NOTE: Dates can be set using the date picker or by typing words such as ‘tomorrow’, ‘next week’, ‘3 months’ etc.

8. Select 'Modify'.

Course Outline Component Settings

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1. To view and change the settings in the Course Outline component, you first need to unlock your page.


2. Select the Settings Cog.


The Course Outline component settings allow you to:

  • Collapse the content of your component.
  • Change the heading of the component.
  • Select the imported course you wish to display.
  • Hide the heading from read-only users.
  • Filter the learning activities shown to read-only users.

NOTE: It is possible to have multiple Course Outline components on a page selected to show the same course using a filter to display different types of learning activities.

Removing a Course from a Class Page

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Removing the Course Outline component

To remove the component from your homepage, unlock your page, and select the 'X' at the top-right of the components header.

Remove the Course Outline Component

NOTE: Removing the component will not remove the association of the imported course, its units and the learning activities from the page. Any activities that were imported will still be assigned to students for completion. Undertaking this action will put this course into an archived state. The course can be reinstated by navigating to your class page, selecting the 3 dot menu and selecting 'Manage Courses'.

Removing a Course from a Class Page

1. Navigate to your Class Page.

2. Select the 3-dot menu in the top right of the page and select 'Manage Courses'.


3. Select the 3-dot menu next to the Course you wish to delete and then select 'Delete'.


NOTE: Deleting the Course will permanently delete all tasks, due work and quizzes you have imported via this course, as well as any you have created on it since, from this class.

4. Select 'Yes, permanently delete'.



NOTE: A strike through a Course on the Course Management page represents a Course that has been imported to the page, but is not being displayed via a Course Outline. You are able to restore the Course Outline component for the Course by selecting the 3-dot menu > Restore Component.


NOTE: If multiple of the same Course have been imported, you are able to check whether a Course has received any submissions/attempts before deleting, by restoring the Course Outline and checking the number of students that have completed Learning Activities. 
