Rubric Capabilities and Indicators Component

Rubric Capabilities and Indicators Overview

Are you sure you want to remove this component?

The 'Rubric Capabilities and Indicators' component will allow you to manage capabilities and indicators for a specific subject or course. The Rubric Capabilities and Indicators component component will display a list of all capabilities and indicators that are associated with that unit or course.

If this component is used in a course homepage, all assessments created within the different units of the course will inherit those course capabilities and indicators.

On this page, you will the following:

  • Adding the Rubric Capabilities and Indicators component
  • Using the Rubric Capabilities and Indicators component
  • Rubric Capabilities and Indicators component settings
  • Removing the Rubric Capabilities and Indicators component

Adding the Course Criteria Component

Are you sure you want to remove this component?

1. To add the component to your page, select the '+' button at the top of your page.


2. Select the 'Learning' tab.


3. Drag and drop the component to the desired location.

How to use the Course Criteria

Are you sure you want to remove this component?

1. Navigate to the Course or Unit that you wish to review the capabilities and indicators for.  The Course Criteria component will display a list of all capabilities and indicators that are associated with that unit or course.

2. Select 'Manage Rubric Capabilities'.


3. Select the three-dot menu next to the indicators. 

You can now view the Assessments that are using that indicator.


Or you can delete the indicator if you need to.


NOTE: If the delete function is not available, this means that the indicators are still being used by a due work activity on that page. You will need to go through each due work task in the Course Builder or Course Outline on that page and check that the indicators are not in use.

4Select 'Save Changes'.

Rubric Capabilities and Indicator Component Settings

Are you sure you want to remove this component?

1. Unlock your page.


2. Select the 'Settings' cog on the component.


The rubric capabilities and indicators component settings allow you to:

  • Collapse the content of your component.
  • Change the heading of the component.

Removing the Rubric Capabilities and Indicator Component

Are you sure you want to remove this component?

To remove the component from your homepage, unlock your page, and select the 'X' at the top-right of the components header.


NOTE: Removing the component will not remove the content of the component. If you add the component at a later state, the content will return.