
Overview - Calendar

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The Schoolbox calendar is an easy-to-use interface that keeps the school community engaged and involved in whole-school activities in one location. 

On this page, you will find the following information:

Accessing the Calendar

Using the Calendar Component

Filtering your Calendar

Creating Calendar Events

Accessing Another User's Calendar

Enabling Attendance on a Calendar Event

Review the Attendee on a Calendar Event

Exporting the Calendar

Modify or Delete an Event

Managing the School Calendar

Subscribing to External Calendars

Cleaning up the Calendar

Each user sees different events as only relevant events are pulled into their calendar from a range of sources, including:

  • Campus calendar(s)
  • Class and group calendars (including assessment dates and group events)
  • Fixtures
  • External calendars
  • Timetables
  • Resource booking

Accessing your Calendar

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1. Select the Calendar tab in your Top Menu.


You can also access your calendar by adding /calendar to the end of your URL.

This calendar will display all of your events. This can include events from your campus, groups, and classes. It may also include your timetable, due dates for learning activities, and even personal events you have created.



Navigating the Calendar

To move between months, click on the arrows underneath your name at the top left of the calendar.


To navigate back to a view that displays today's date, click the 'Today' button.


Selecting the calendar icon will allow you to move between months and select a specific date, without the calendar needing to load each month.


You can use the tabs at the top right to view your calendar as a list, month, week or day.


Using the Calendar Component

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1. To add the component to your page, select the '+' button at the top of your page.


2. Select the 'Information' tab.


3. Drag and drop the component to the desired location.


To add an individual event

1. Select 'Add an event'.


2. Add a 'Title' to your event.


 3. Use the 'Select Date' button to add start and finish times for your event. 

If you do not select a start and finish time, the event will default to 'All Day'.


You can 'Select by Date' or 'Select by Timetable'.



4. If you wish for this event to repeat, use the drop-down arrow next to 'Recurrence'. 

You can select 'Daily', 'Weekly', 'Fortnightly' or 'Monthly'.


5. Set the 'Location' and 'Details' of your event if required.

6. Select the publish date, using 'Select Date'. 

This will allow you to use the date picker to 'Select by Date' or 'Select by Timetable'. The event will not show on the calendar until the publish date is reached.


The calendar will default to 'Group Level' and automatically select the Class or Group page that you are creating the event on. 


If you need to edit this, use the drop-down arrow to select another option.


7. Use the drop-down arrow to select if attendance will be enabled.

  • None:  This event will not have attendance enabled.
  • Invite Only - Only individual users or groups you have invited can choose to attend.
  • Open - Any user can search for and RSVP to the event.


8. Select 'Add Event'.

Once events are in your calendar, you can add more events by selecting 'Add Event' at the bottom of the component. This will take you to the 'Edit Event' screen to create your event.


NOTE: If you select a date range to a future date and year, your calendar will show events up to the end of the following school year.

To import events in bulk

1. Select 'import events in bulk'.


2. Use the 3-dot menu to download the template of the CSV.

3. Populate the CSV.

4. Drag and drop the CSV into the drop zone.


5. Select 'Submit'.

To add additional events in bulk, select the 'Import Events' button at the bottom of the component. This will allow you to download a template, populate the template, and drag it to the drop zone.


To export events from your calendar

1. Select 'Export Events'

You will be provided with a link that will allow you to subscribe your calendar application to a live feed.


Filtering your Calendar

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When you first view your calendar, you may notice a lot of information. You can filter this information by selecting the 'Filters' tab at the top right of your calendar.


You can filter your calendar by:

  • Sources - This includes your Timetable, Resource Booking and Events. Other sources that your school subscribes to may also appear here.
  • Groups - This includes your classes and any groups of which you are a member.
  • Campus - This list will display the campuses that you are involved in.
  • Event type - Event types are set by your school and are selected when a calendar event is created.

To only display information from certain filters, select the options that you would like to view, and then click 'Apply Filters'.


Creating Calendar Events and Tasks

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Create an Event:

1. Go to your calendar by selecting the Calendar tab from the top menu or adding /calendar to the end of your URL. 


2. Select the day that you would like to add the event to.

3. Select 'Create Event'.


4. Add a 'Title' to your event.


5. Use the drop-down arrow to select an 'Event Type'.


6. If there are no further details required, select 'Create Event'.


If there are further details to add, select 'Edit Event'.


7. Use the 'Select Date' button to add start and finish times for your event.

If you do not select a start and finish time, the event will default to 'All Day'.


You can 'Select by Date' or 'Select by Timetable'.



8. If you wish for this event to repeat, use the drop-down arrow next to 'Recurrence'.

You can select 'Daily', 'Weekly', 'Fortnightly' or 'Monthly'.


9. Set the 'Location' and 'Details' of your event if required.

10. Select the publish date, using 'Select Date'. 

This will allow you to use the date picker to 'Select by Date' or 'Select by Timetable'. The event will not show on the calendar until the publish date is reached.

11. Use the drop-down arrow under 'Level' to select who the calendar event will be visible to. 

The options available will vary depending on the permissions of individual users.


  • Personal - all users will have visibility of the personal level. Adding an event to the personal level will only add it to your calendar.
  • Group - users will have group level visibility if they are the teacher of a class or if they have write access or are Group Admin of a group. Selecting 'group' will prompt you to choose which group or class you'd like to add this event to. All users in the group will have this event added to their calendar.

NOTE: Only users that have the 'Calendar Service Permission' will have visibility of the 'School' level in this list. If you are adding an event at this level, you will be prompted to choose the roles and campus of the users who need to see this event.

13. Use the drop-down arrow to select if attendance will be enabled.

  • None - This event will not have attendance enabled.
  • Invite Only - Only individual users or groups you have invited can choose to attend.
  • Open - Any user can search for and RSVP to the event.


14. Select 'Add Event'.



Create a Task:

1. Go to your calendar by selecting the Calendar tab from the top menu or adding /calendar to the end of your URL. 


2. Select the day that you would like to add the personal task to.

3. Select 'Create Task'.


4. Add a 'Title' to your task.


5. Use the drop-down arrow to select a 'Type'.


6. Add any details required.


7. Select 'Create Task'.


Enabling Attendance on a Calendar Event

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It is possible to apply attendance to a Calendar Event. This enables you to directly invite people to the event, add a number of participants and view a Guest List.

1. Inside the event you are creating, select either 'Invite Only' or 'Open'.


2. Invite Only will require you to add the names of your chosen attendees:


Note: Open is the opposite to Invite Only, anyone can submit an RSVP to the event and state they are coming.

3. Define a 'Maximum Attendees' number should you wish to have an upper limit to the number of people who can attend.


4. Toggle 'Show Guest List' to ON in order to display who is attending an event.


Note: The image below showcases the format of an event with a guest list applied.



Review the Attendees of a Calendar Event

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1. Go to your Calendar.

2. Select the Calendar Event for which you wish to view the attendance.


2. Select the heading on the event or select 'View Details'.


The Event will now be expanded into the Event Page and the attendees will be visible.


Accessing Another User's Calendar

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1. Select the Search tab in the Top Menu.


2. Type the person whose timetable you wish to view.


3. Go to the user's profile page.

4. Select the 'Calendar' tab.


Exporting the Calendar

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1. Go to your Calendar and select 'Export'.


2. Select the Events you would like to export. 


3. Select 'Generate URL' or 'Download CSV'.


Note: You will now be able to add your URL or upload your CSV into your external calendar. Some modifications to formatting may be required if using the CSV option.
The generated URL will produce a live sync URL, which syncs data from Schoolbox to your external calendar. If using Outlook, this URL will need to be added to the web version of Outlook.

Modify or Delete an Event

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1. Go to your calendar and select the event you wish to modify or delete.

2. To modify your event, select 'Modify'

You will be taken to the 'Edit Event' screen.


To delete your event, select 'Delete' and select 'Yes' to confirm.


Managing the School Calendar

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Event Types

When users create a new event, they can select from the available event types. Superusers can configure the Event Types that are used by your school to fit your context. 

You can configure the available event types for your school’s system from Administration > Calendar > Lists - Event Types.


Importing External Calendars

Superusers can import external calendars into the Schoolbox calendar by creating either a CSV or Microsoft Outlook ICS report. 


1. Go to Administration > Calendar, then select 'Import'.

 2. To import a calendar from CSV, download our template using the ‘Download Template’ link under the CSV section. 


You can export your external calendar source events as a CSV and manipulate the fields to match our template, or you can fill in the appropriate details in the template instead. 

3. To import a calendar from Microsoft Outlook ICS, follow the steps outlined in the ICS section.


4. Once your .csv or .ics file is ready, you will need to upload it by selecting ‘Choose file’ and locating the file


5.  You can then select the campus/es, role/s that you want to be able to view the imported calendar events. There is also an optional field where you can choose a calendar owner - if this field is left empty, the default calendar owner will be the current user. 

Subscribing to External Calendars

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As a Superuser, you can subscribe to external calendars so they display in the Schoolbox calendar. This could include either publicly-accessible URLs in either vCAL or ICS format or calendars that include user tokens in the URL.

Calendars with Publicly-Accessible URLS

You will need an accessible calendar URL in either vCAL or ICS format so that the live subscription of your calendar continues to update automatically.

These links explain how to obtain the vCAL or ICS URL for the following popular calendars:

Google Calendar


Apple iCalendar

An external calendar will be managed from the external site. Schoolbox displays a live copy of that calendar, which will automatically update when changes are made on the original source, depending on the refresh time provided by the source.


Calendars With Custom User Tokens

If your calendar source includes an identifier for users in the provided URL, then you can replace the identifier with one of the following tokens:

  • [id]
  • [externalId]
  • [username]
  • [email]

For example:

This is an example of a URL provided for a user’s external calendar. The highlighted identifier is the user’s externalId.

This is how you would modify the URL before adding it to a calendar subscription.[externalId]&format=ics

NOTE: When entering the calendar subscription, you must select the role and campus of all users who are included in the subscription. These rules also apply to Superusers.

You may also provide an authorisation token to be sent with the request in the Authorisation field.  Entering a token into the Authorisation field will mean an "Authorisation: token" header is sent along with the request to ensure that the request is authorised.  This token should be provided by the 3rd party.

1. Go to Administration > Calendar, then select 'Subscribe'.

2. Toggle VCal  Events to 'ON'.


3. Select 'Save Changes'.

4. Go to the VCal area.

5. Add a Label, URL, and Authorisation.

6. Select the Event type.

7. Select the audience for the subscribed calendar.


8. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'Save Changes'.

Cleaning up the Calendar

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As a Superuser it is possible to Cleanup the Calendar and remove Events. Thus enabling the removal of incorrect or cancelled events to maintain the currency of the Calendar inside the instance. 

1. Go to Administration > Calendar > Cleanup.

2.  Select a date range to perform the Cleanup.


3. Filter by Personal or Group Events.


4. Once the filters have been applied the a list of events will be returned. Select the box next to the event/s you would like to remove and then select 'Remove Selected Events'.
