Breadcrumb Component

Overview - Breadcrumbs component

Are you sure you want to remove this component?

The Breadcrumbs component is used to assist users in Schoolbox to navigate and provide them with information about the user’s location in the resource folder structure. The component consists of links to pages that sit above the current page within the resource folder structure. On this page you will find the following information:

  • Using the Breadcrumbs Component
  • Breadcrumbs component Settings

Using the Breadcrumbs component

Are you sure you want to remove this component?

1. To add the component to your page, select the '+' button at the top of your page.


2. Select the 'Resources' tab. 


3. Drag and drop the component to the desired location. We would recommend it is placed at the top of your page, to support easy navigation for your users.


Breadcrumbs component Settings

Are you sure you want to remove this component?

1. Unlock your page.


2. Select the 'Settings' cog on the component.

3. Select 'Collapse Content' if you wish the component to be collapsed.



Note: We would also suggest you hide the component heading from read only users.

4. Select 'Hide heading from read only users'


This will ensure they only see the Breadcrumbs, not the component header.
