s.Code AS student_id, '' AS network_login, '' AS student_title, s.FirstName AS student_given_name, s.FirstName AS student_preferred, s.LastName AS student_surname, s.Sex AS student_gender, '' AS student_home_email, s.Email AS student_default_email, '' AS student_work_email, s.Year AS student_year_level, s.House AS student_house, '' AS student_boarder, s.BoarderType AS student_boarding_house, s.CampusID AS student_campus FROM Student s WHERE s.DateLeft IS NULL ORDER BY s.Code ASC
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'' AS student_contact_network_login,
c.Code AS student_contact_id,
c.Title AS student_contact_title,
c.FirstName AS student_contact_given_name,
c.FirstName AS student_contact_preferred,
c.LastName AS student_contact_surname,
'' AS student_contact_home_email,
CASE WHEN c.EmailCorrespondence = 'Y'
THEN c.Email
END AS student_contact_default_email,
'' AS student_contact_work_email,
s.Code AS student_id,
s.Year AS student_year_level,
s.CampusID AS student_campus,
s.House AS student_house,
s.Sex AS student_gender,
s.FirstName AS student_preferred,
s.LastName AS student_surname
FROM Contact c
INNER JOIN StudentContact sc ON c.ID = sc.ContactID
INNER JOIN Student s ON sc.StudentID = s.ID
WHERE sc.ResidentialGuardian = 'Y' OR
sc.Relationship = 'Father' OR sc.Relationship = 'Mother' OR sc.Relationship = 'Stepfather' OR sc.Relationship = 'Stepmother' OR sc.Relationship = 'Step Father' OR sc.Relationship = 'Step Mother' OR sc.Relationship = 'Houseparents' OR sc.Relationship LIKE '%Guardian%' OR sc.Relationship LIKE 'Foster%' OR sc.Relationship = 'Carer' AND s.DateLeft IS NULL ORDER BY c.Code ASC
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SELECT t.Code AS staff_id, '' AS network_login, t.Active AS active_flag, t.Title AS staff_title, t.FirstName AS staff_given_name, t.FirstName AS staff_preferred_name, t.LastName AS staff_surname, '' AS default_email_code, '' AS home_email, t.Email AS default_email, '' AS work_email, t.CampusID AS staff_campus, CASE WHEN t.IsTeachingStaff = 'Y' THEN 'Teaching' ELSE 'Non-Teaching' END AS staff_category_type, t.Position AS staff_category, '' AS staff_house, '' AS staff_department, '' AS staff_year_level, '' AS staff_year_level_description FROM Staff t WHERE t.DateLeft IS NULL AND t.Active = 'Y' ORDER BY t.Code ASC