Doublefirst UPS Queries

Student UPS Query

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                p.PupilID                           AS student_id,
                p.AdmissionNo                       AS network_login,
                ''                                  AS student_title,
                ForeName                            AS student_given_name,
                PreferredForeName                   AS student_preferred,
                Surname                             AS student_surname,
                ''                                  AS student_gender,
                ''                                  AS student_home_email,
                ''                                  AS student_default_email,
                ''                                  AS student_work_email,
                YearGroup                           AS student_year_level,
                House                               AS student_house_description,
                HouseID                             AS student_house,
                0                                   AS student_boarder,
                ''                                  AS student_boarding_house,
                ''                                  AS student_campus
            FROM V_PupilBasicInformation            p
            LEFT JOIN PupilMedicalInformation       m ON m.PupilID = p.PupilID
            AND p.PupilID <> ''

Parent UPS Query

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            SELECT DISTINCT 
                        c.ContactID                 AS student_contact_network_login,
                        c.ContactID                 AS student_contact_id,
                        c.Title                     AS student_contact_title,
                        cm.Greeting                 AS student_contact_preferred,
                        cm.Greeting                 AS student_contact_given_name,
                        c.Surname                   AS student_contact_surname,
                        ''                          AS student_contact_home_email,
                        cei.EmailID                 AS student_contact_default_email,
                        ce.WorkEmailAddress         AS student_contact_work_email,
                        pc.PupilID                  AS student_id,
                        ''                          AS student_campus,
                        p.HouseID                   AS student_house,
                        ''                          AS student_gender,
                        p.ForeName                  AS student_preferred,
                        p.Surname                   AS student_surname,
                        p.YearGroupID               AS student_year_level,
                        p.YearGroup                 as student_year_level_description            
            FROM        VLPupilContact              pc
            LEFT JOIN   VLContact                   c on c.ContactID = pc.ContactID
            LEFT JOIN   ContactMaster               cm on c.ContactID = cm.ContactID
            LEFT JOIN   VLContactEmail              ce on ce.ContactID = pc.ContactID
            LEFT JOIN   ContactEmailInformation     cei ON cei.ContactID = pc.ContactID AND cei.PrimaryEmail = 1
            LEFT JOIN   VLContactTelephone          ct on ct.ContactID = pc.ContactID 
            LEFT JOIN   V_PupilBasicInformation     p ON p.PupilID = pc.PupilID
            WHERE       pc.IsContactParental = 1 
            AND         pc.ContactID <> ''     

Staff UPS Query

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            SELECT      spd.StaffID           as staff_id,
                        spd.UserID            AS network_login,
                        1                     AS active_flag,
                        title.Description     AS staff_title,
                        spd.ForeName          AS staff_given_name,
                        CASE WHEN spd.PreferredForeName <> '' AND spd.PreferredForeName IS NOT NULL THEN spd.PreferredForeName ELSE spd.ForeName END AS staff_preferred_name,
                        spd.SurName           AS staff_surname,
                        ''                    AS home_email,
                        CASE WHEN seiw.EmailAddress IS NOT NULL THEN seiw.EmailAddress ELSE seiwb.EmailAddress END AS default_email,
                        CASE WHEN seiw.EmailAddress IS NOT NULL THEN seiw.EmailAddress ELSE seiwb.EmailAddress END AS work_email,
                        ''                    AS staff_campus,
                        CASE WHEN 
                          IsStaffPartTime = 1 THEN 'Part Time' 
                          ELSE 'Full Time' 
                        END AS staff_category_type,
                        CASE WHEN 
                          IsTeacher = 1 THEN 'Teaching' 
                          ELSE 'Non Teaching' 
                        END AS staff_category,
			            ''                    AS staff_house,
			            cat.Description	      AS staff_position,
                        ''                    AS staff_department,
                        ''                    AS staff_year_level,
                        ''                    AS staff_year_level_description                
            FROM        StaffPersonalDetails  spd
            JOIN        CurrentStaff cs ON cs.StaffID = spd.StaffID
            LEFT JOIN   StaffTelephones stw ON stw.StaffID = spd.StaffID AND stw.TelephoneType = 'W'
            LEFT JOIN   StaffEmailInformation seiw ON seiw.StaffID = spd.StaffID and seiw.PrimaryEmail = 1 AND seiw.EmailType = 'D321'
            LEFT JOIN   StaffEmailInformation seiwb ON seiwb.StaffID = spd.StaffID and seiwb.PrimaryEmail = 1 AND seiwb.EmailType = '2'
            LEFT JOIN   LookupDetails cat ON cat.LookupID = '1203' AND cat.LookupDetailsID = spd.StaffCategory
            LEFT JOIN   LookupDetails title ON title.LookupID = '3012' AND title.LookupDetailsID = spd.Title
            ORDER BY    spd.SurName, 