New policies and sign-off will be required for some of the introduced changes. Including:
Crocodoc Retirement
You will need to make sure you make the move to v17.5 before the Christmas break to ensure that all your files are successfully migrated before the retirement of Crocodoc. This will increase your disk usage, as files are migrated from the cloud and into your Schoolbox instance.
Staff will need to be made aware of the new annotation system and that any student work annotated prior to the update of v17.5 will be stored as a PDF file, alongside student submission and feedback in Schoolbox. If you are using the Schoolbox Teacher Course with your staff, the new v17.5 Release Project in the Releases Unit will guide your staff through this.
ePortfolio Blog Improvements
Changes to the blog component on the eportfolio mean that when staff post to students' eportfolios it appears as them posting, not the student. You will need to consider how you communicate this change with your staff.
You may also want to take advantage of the new ability to configure notifications for eportfolios. If you do take advantage of this, you may want to consider any policies that are affected by this and how you will inform your staff of these changes.
Current Term Resource Booking
If you intend on changing resources within your resource booking module to be locked to bookings in the current term, you may want to consider informing your staff of these changes.
Usage Tracking
By default, usage tracking will NOT be turned on when you upgrade to v17.5. If you decide to turn this on to help us improve Schoolbox, you will need to manage sign-off and any policy updates that need to occur.