How to De-Coursify


Are you sure you want to remove this component?

Removing a Course from a Class

Are you sure you want to remove this component?

1. Navigate to the class page that houses the course that you need to remove.

2. Unlock your page.

3. Delete the course outline component with course you wish to remove by selecting the 'X' on the component.


NOTE: Removing a component, such as the course outline, does not remove the course association with the class page.

4. Select the 3-dot menu on the class page, then select 'Manage Course'.


On the Course Management screen you will see a list of courses that have been imported on to the page. Courses with a strike through their name refer to a course where the outline was deleted (see step 2). No strike though refers to a course that is currently displayed on the page.


5. Select the 3-dot menu to restore, modify or delete (hard delete) the course.


A Page should not be a Course/Unit

Are you sure you want to remove this component?

The below steps can be taken if you notice that your course list is showing courses that shouldn't be there, and your Resource Browser has a course/unit page icon for a page/folder that should not be a course/unit.

1. Navigate to the course list by selecting 'Courses' along your Top Menu or add /course/list to your dashboard URL.

2. Search for the page title that appears as a course/unit within this course list.

3. Select the 3-dot menu next to the course and select 'Delete'. 

NOTE: This will not delete your page, it will just de-coursify your page.
