
Overview - Curriculum

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Curriculum and curriculum mapping is vital in the planning and delivery of high quality teaching and learning. Within Schoolbox you can create, store and manage curriculum to align with State, National, International or other Curriculum Standards. Schoolbox has inbuilt Curriculum Packages that can be utilised, or you can build your own Curriculum. Curriculum outcomes can then be mapped to pages, courses, learning activities, learning moments and badges. Within Schoolbox the term "outcome" is used to refer to a curriculum element.

On this page, you will find the following information:

View existing Curriculum

Import a Curriculum Package

Create a Custom Curriculum

Edit a Curriculum

Using Curriculum Codes

View Mapped Curriculum

Disable and Enable Curriculum Outcomes

Adding the Curriculum Description and Curriculum Overview Components

Create a Curriculum Coverage Report

View existing Curriculum

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You can view imported Curriculum Packages and custom Curriculum within your Schoolbox instance.

1. Go to the Manage Curriculum page by entering '/curriculum' at the end of your School's Schoolbox URL.

2. Use the toggle to show or hide disabled curriculum outcomes.

image.png3. View the existing curriculum in the Manage Curriculum window.


4. To view sub-outcomes of the curriculum, select the Curriculum Title.


5. Continue selecting curriculum outcome titles to drill down further into the curriculum. Use the Breadcrumbs to go back to previous levels.


Note: Only users in a Staff role can access the Manage Curriculum page.

Import a Curriculum Package

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Schoolbox has several inbuilt Curriculum Packages you can import to your instance. The packages are designed to allow schools to quickly and easily import relevant curriculum frameworks, making curriculum mapping more accessible.

Note: This action cannot be undone. Once a Curriculum Package has been imported it cannot be removed via the UI. Please contact Schoolbox Support to remove Curriculum Packages. 

Note: Only users with Superuser access can import a Curriculum Package.

1. Go to Administration > Modules > Packages.


2. Use the check box to select which Curriculum Package you would like to import.


3. Confirm the import by selecting 'Yes'.


Create a Custom Curriculum

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There may be occasions that a custom Curriculum would be useful, for example, if your Curriculum does not exist within the packages available inside Schoolbox or for bespoke offerings such as the Duke of Edinburgh or Teacher training competencies.

Note: Only users with Superuser access or Curriculum Service Permission can create a Curriculum.

1. Go to the Manage Curriculum page by entering '/curriculum' to the end of your School's Schoolbox URL.

2. Select the '+' icon in the top right hand corner.


3. Add a name for the Curriculum.

4. Define the Curriculum by adding a description. 

5. Select '+ Add' to create the Curriculum.

6. To create a curriculum sub-section (curriculum outcome) select the '+' icon.


7. Add a name, code, and description to define the sub-section (curriculum outcome). The code will appear in square brackets before the Curriculum name e.g. [E-123] Example.


8. Select '+ Add' to create the Curriculum.


9. Continue to repeat this process until all of your Curriculum has been created.

Edit a Curriculum

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To edit a curriculum or curriculum outcome, go to the Manage Curriculum page.

1. Go to the curriculum outcome you wish to edit and select the 'pen icon'.


2. Update name, code, and description as required. Select Update to save changes.


Note: Only users with Superuser access or Curriculum Service Permission can edit a Curriculum.

Using Curriculum Codes

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1. Go to the Modify Course page for the course you wish to add curriculum codes to.


2. Type or browse for the Curriculum Codes that you wish to link to the course.


Note: To display Curriculum Codes on the Page to which they are attached, add the Curriculum Description or Curriculum Overview component to the page.

Note: Curriculum can also be mapped to different places within the Schoolbox system, such as:

  • Learning Moments,
  • Badges,
  • Pages/Folders,
  • Learning Activities (Tasks, Projects, Due Work, Lesson Plans, and Quizzes), and
  • Rubric Capabilities and Indicators.

View Mapped Curriculum

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Curriculum mapping is the process of documenting what is being taught in a school or educational institution. It is an essential component of educational planning and assessment because it helps educators to:

  • Ensure alignment: Ensure that the curriculum is aligned with the educational standards, goals, and objectives set by the institution or governing body and is consistent across different subjects, grade levels, and classrooms.
  • Identify gaps: Identify gaps in the curriculum, where important topics or skills may have been missed. 
  • Improve communication: Curriculum mapping promotes communication and collaboration among teachers, as they work together to develop a common understanding of the curriculum and ensure that it is being taught effectively.

Curriculum codes that are associated with one or more of the following teaching and learning events below, can be viewed in the Manage Curriculum Page. 

  • Badges
  • Course Page
  • Unit Page
  • Learning Activities (Due Work, Task, Quiz, Lesson Plan) 

NOTE: ONLY Learning Activities existing at a Course level will appear in the curriculum mapping. 

1. Go to Manage Curriculum page by entering '/curriculum' to the end of your School's Schoolbox URL.

2. Go to the relevant curriculum outcome or search for it using the Search bar.


3. Select the "Curriculum Details" Icon to view 


 4. View the mapped teaching and learning content.


Disable and Enable Curriculum Outcomes

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Once a curriculum has been imported or created within your instance, it can be used for Curriculum Mapping. In some scenarios, there may be times when curriculum outcomes are to be made unavailable for mapping. As such, you can enable and disable curriculum outcomes. 

1. Go to the Manage Curriculum page by entering '/curriculum' at the end of your School's Schoolbox URL.

2. Select the curriculum outcome you want to disable or enable.


3. Select 'Disable outcome' or 'Enable outcome'. This will apply to all sub-outcomes.


4. Select 'Yes' to confirm you wish to disable or enable the selected outcome. 


Note: Once a curriulum outcome is disabled it will be hidden from the curriculum code selector during curriculum mapping.

Note: Only users with Superuser access or Curriculum Service Permission can edisable and enable curriculum outcomes.

Adding the Curriculum Description and Curriculum Overview Components

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1. Select the '+' icon at the top of your page.


2. Select the 'Learning' tab.


3. Drag and drop the 'Curriculum Description' or 'Curriculum Overview' component to the desired location.

Note: In the Curriculum Tree Filter, you can select curriculum nodes without codes.

The Curriculum Description component shows the full details of a curriculum code that has been attached to the homepage.


The Curriculum Overview component shows an overview of a curriculum code that has been attached to homepage, as well as any sub-codes that this code might have.


Note: You can select for a single curriculum code to be displayed by unlocking the page and selecting the settings cog for the component. 

Create a Curriculum Coverage Report

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Curriculum Coverage reports help you, as school staff, to identify and understand any gaps in curriculum coverage across courses including:

  • Courses,
  • Units,
  • Learning Activities,
  • Lesson Plans,
  • Capabilities & Indicators, and
  • Rubrics.

You can access the Curriculum Coverage Report in four ways: 

  1. Course homepage,
  2. Course List page, 
  3. Manage Curriculum page, and 
  4. Unit Planner.

To create a Curriculum Coverage Report from a course homepage:

  1. In Schoolbox, go to a course homepage. 
    This opens the course homepage.
  2. Then, select the 3 dot-menu icon3-dot Menu Icon (2)and then select Curriculum Coverage
    This opens the Curriculum Coverage Report page. 
  3. In Select Courses, the course is already selected for you. You can also search or browse to select more than one course.
  4. Next, in Select Curriculum, search or browse to select one or more curricula. 
  5. When done, select Generate report.
    This creates a Curriculum Coverage Report for you.
    You’ve now created a Curriculum Coverage Report from a course homepage.
  6. In Report on, you can apply filters to include or exclude specific data from the report. This will help you view counts specific to each item.
  7. Select the toggle icon Toggle to enable Only show unused curriculum to view the gaps in the curriculum for the filters you’ve selected.
  8. Select the numbers in the grid to view where the curriculum is being applied.
    Note: Select the Export to CSV icon Export icon and then select Export to download the Curriculum Coverage report for the items you selected in step 6.

To create a Curriculum Coverage Report from the Course List page:

  1. On your Schoolbox homepage, select the Courses icon Courses Button.
    Alternatively, you can also add /course/list to your URL.
    The Course List page appears.
  2. Then, select the 3 dot-menu icon3-dot Menu Icon (2)and then select Curriculum Coverage.
    This opens the Curriculum Coverage Report page.
  3. In Select Courses, the course is already selected for you. You can also search or browse to select more than one course.
  4. Next, in Select Curriculum, search or browse to select more than one curriculum. 
  5. When done, select Generate report.
    This creates a Curriculum Coverage Report for you.
    You’ve now created a Curriculum Coverage Report from the Course List page.
  6. In Report on, you can apply filters to include or exclude specific data from the report. This will help you view counts specific to each item.
  7. Select the toggle icon Toggle  to enable Only show unused curriculum to view the gaps in the curriculum for the filters you’ve selected.
  8. Select the numbers in the grid to view where the curriculum is being applied.
    Note: Select the Export to CSV icon Export icon and then select Export to download the Curriculum Coverage report for the items you selected in step 6.

To create a Curriculum Coverage Report from the Manage Curriculum page:

  1. On your Schoolbox homepage, select the Curriculum icon Curriculum Icon
    Alternatively, you can also add /curriculum to your URL. 
    This opens the Manage Curriculum page.
  2. Then, select the Curriculum Coverage icon Curriculum Coverage.
    This opens the Curriculum Coverage Report page.
  3. In Select Courses, search or browse to select one or more courses.
  4. Next, in Select Curriculum, search or browse to select one or more curricula.
  5. When done, select Generate report.
    This creates a Curriculum Coverage Report for you.
    You’ve now created a Curriculum Coverage Report from the Manage Curriculum page.
  6. In Report on, you can apply filters to include or exclude specific data from the report. This will help you view counts specific to each item.
  7. Select the toggle icon Toggle  to enable Only show unused curriculum to view the gaps in the curriculum for the filters you’ve selected.
  8. Select the numbers in the grid to view where the curriculum is being applied.
    Note: Select the Export to CSV icon Export icon and then select Export to download the Curriculum Coverage report for the items you selected in step 6.

To create a Curriculum Coverage Report from the Unit Planner page:

  1. First, access the Unit Planner.
    See Access the Unit Planner (for school staff).
    This opens the Unit Planner page.
  2. Then, select the 3-dot menu icon3-dot Menu Icon (2)and then select Curriculum Coverage.
    This opens the Curriculum Coverage Report page.
  3. In Select Courses, the course is already selected for you. You can also search or browse to select more than one course.
  4. Next, in Select Curriculum, search or browse to select one or more curricula.
  5. When done, select Generate report.
    This creates a Curriculum Coverage Report for you.
    You’ve now created a Curriculum Coverage Report from the Unit Planner page.
  6. In Report on, you can apply filters to include or exclude specific data from the report. This will help you view counts specific to each item. 
  7. Select the toggle icon Toggle  to enable Only show unused curriculum to view the gaps in the curriculum for the filters you’ve selected.
  8. Select the numbers in the grid to view where the curriculum is being applied.
    Note: Select the Export to CSV icon Export icon and then select Export to download the Curriculum Coverage report for the items you selected in step 6.  

You can, as a Superuser, export a Curriculum.

To do this:

  1. On your Schoolbox homepage, select the Curriculum icon Curriculum Icon
    Alternatively, you can also add /curriculum to your URL.
    This opens the Manage Curriculum page.
  2. Then, in Curricula, select the Export iconExport Curriculum.
    This downloads the Curriculum as a CSV file to your Downloads folder.

    You’ve now exported a Curriculum.


In order to map Curriculum Codes on your Courses, Units and Learning Activities you must first ad the Curriculum into the Curriculum Browser.

1. Navigate to the Curriculum Browser (this can be accessed directly by adding /curriculum on to the end of your URL)

2. Select the 'Upload' icon in the top right hand corner.

3. Select a Source from the drop-down menu.


4. Cofirm by selecting 'Use this Source'.

5. Further define the Curriculum by selecting the 'level' and 'Learning Area' from the drop-downs.


6. Select 'Search'.

7. 'Preview' your Curriculum and 'Save Curriculum'.

8. The newly added Curriculum will now be visible inside the Curriculum Browser. and can be applied to Course, Units and Learning Activities.
