Head Start / Transition Process and Management

  • Scott Newman

    Posted 1 year ago

    A place to share, collaborate and support each other with all things related to Head Start / Transition Processes and Management.

  • Janelle Waite

    Posted 1 year ago

    A place to share, collaborate and support each other with all things related to Head Start / Transition Processes and Management.

    Scott Newman

    Hi Everyone,

    We are seeking feedback from other schools on how they handle Headstart or an early Semester transition when assessment results are still pending from the previous semester?

    We currently run our Summative Assessments in Schoolbox with a Markbook sync to Synergetic, for display on academic reports.

    Our semester 2, is also starting a week inside Term 2 and when results for exams from semester 1 haven’t been entered into Schoolbox yet.  W have also been advised this will be a continued pattern at the end of every semester from now on as we transition early or go into a Headstart semester at the end of the year.

    How are other schools handling this process?  What has been successful/unsuccessful? And are there any pearls of wisdom out there where this process can be improved?

    Kind regards,
